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afterward leaving that tank in society, fo belong to which I
considered no great honour, after I had been treated so brutally
by one of its members.
":My endeavours were crowned with success; and if, after
the lai»se of years, I bave forgottea the resolution I then ruade,
the cause of if always remained in my mind, and succeeding
events bave confirmed my intentions to carry ou# the design
that I had formerly ruade, without exactly knowing why.
mind became still more enlarged concerning the motives that
l#rompted me fo such a sçep. The youth had become a man,
and the man’s firmness dictated a petition, #vhich’ l#etiçion bas
been granted. Assessor Wir(#a holds çhe resolution in
hauds; as soon as ifs contents shall bave been read, the Lieu-
tenant-colonel de Dressen, now my highly esçeemed father-in-
law, may resç firmly assured that not a spark of vengeance exists
now in the bosom of the reconciled skjuts-boy. Have the kind-
ness, dear Wirén, fo read the document."
Wirén cleared his throat, and unfolding a large paper, read,
in a clear, loud voice :
" In regard to a devoutly submitted petition, presented by
Ivar Borgenstierna, #vhich prays that his #Iajcsty, in considera-
tion of stated circumstances, v¢ould graciously condescend to
allow the petitioner, a nobleman by bi##h, fo dispose of his
tank, and also give up all the privileges fo such rank apper#ain-
" Stop! stop! not another word !" cried the lieutenant–colonel,
#nterrupting the reader. The deei# blushes which #ad chascd
over his countenance durîng Borgenstierna’s narration had
entirely vanished, an ashy-grey l#aleness usurping çheir place.
" Enough, enough !" cried he, in gasping tones.
" l#ly fatl:er is un#vell," said Amclia, in the deel#eSt an##mîsh
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