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and hastily extending a glass of water toward him. But her
father thmLst it back with such violence that ifs contents were
spilled over Amelia’s dress. His ]imbs trembled like aspen
leaves; but the assessor, nevertheless, rend the document through.
Virginia sat as quiet and cold as ever i but ber bosom was filled
with violent emotions, and she dared hot look ai the man whose
voice still affected ber deeply.
After a short Pause, the lieutenant-colonel uplifted his head,
and made a visible exertion fo use his voice, in which he succeeded.
"Gentlemen," he at last commenced, in a tone, the uncertainty
of which was a counterpart of the suppressed storm that raged
within him, scarcely permitting him to speak aloud–"I perceive
that some one bas spoken of a deep insult; but should Mr.
Borgenstierna bave waited so long as to inform me of it to-day?
I submit it to the sentiments of justice of everybody here present,
whether it would hOt bave been his duty fo communicate
his intentions fo me, the father, belote he led the daughter of a
noble family fo the altar ? If he had done so, I would bave
been ai liberty fo refuse his proposition, as he certainly would
bave deserved it."
"Under other circumstances this would bave undoubtedly
been my duty," replied Borgenstierna, quietly; "but my principal
object was fo pay an old debt. I had resolved to avenge
myself–for the blows still burned in the soul of the skjuts-boy,
as long as the insult was hot washed out by a new naine. For
the future, my name will be Borg; and if my father-in-law
should deem it convenient to declare the mutual debt receipted
by this act, then let us again fill our glasses, and dink them
together in hearty and true friendship for the test of our lives."
The lieutenant-colonel now clearly perceived that Borgenstierna
had recognised him at their first meeting on the steamboat,
and the thought struck his mind that he had intentionally
carried out the plan to connect his civil name with the noble name
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