- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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314: #:##. SKJUTS-BOY.
Of De Dressen. This thought excited hîm still more. l#e not
only ’deemed himself insulted, but that he and his daughter had
been deceived concerning the motives of ]3orgenstierna’s suit"
for these reasons, he coldly rejected the cup of reconciliation, and,
pointh#g toward Amelia, said,
"It was thereibre to revenge au insignificant wrong, which
was donc in the heat of passion, that you sneaked into the heart
of my chi]d, while we nursed and watched over yours with
tenderness. That# is truly a deed which is indeed worthy of a
nolJleman who was born and bred on the highway !"
If wa#u now Borgenstierna’s turn fo grow pale. But Amelia
assumed the word: in spire of ber father’s refusal, she grasped
his hand, and said,
":No, my dear father, you must not thus mistake Ivar. Wheu
he first cmved my consent, he also told me his firm intention to
dispose of his noble rank, and left it fo me whether I would or
would not become hîs wffe. As I loved and esteemed Mm so
highly, this circumstance, of course, had no influence with me,
and I was happy fo bear his naine, be if what it might. In the
meantime, I knew almost fo a certainty that you, dear father,
had other opinions about the marrer, and would hot bave
consented to our marri##ge if you had been acquainted with
]var’s intention. For these reasons, I perfcctly agreed with him
¢hat the explanation might be deferred until we had arrived
here. I was convinced–or ai least entertained the hope, t.ha#
here, in the circle of his beloved children, my ç#ther wottld forger
past events, and would no# refuse the hand offered him in recon-
ciliation." l=Iere Amelia carried ber father’s hand fo her lips,
and kissed if devoutly. "Dear, kind fi#ther !" she besought him,
in a voice that had become still softer by ber tears, "let us hot
fise from this table until we bave clinked our glasscs, in token
of a renewal of friendship. Only look at my mother, and behold
with what anxiety she looks at you ; for it was my Ivar who
conducted hcr to the fi’ontiers of lqorway, af that rime when she

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