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shaken ahout in it. When such a special apparatus is
not possessed, a frying-pan is used, which answers the
purpose equally well. My host used one on the present
occasion, and then turned the hot berries into a wooden
mortar and ground them with a wooden pestle. This
is the usual method of coffee grinding; and the wooden
mortar and pestle appear to be kept exclusively for the
purpose. The Norwegian farmers roast their coffee
much more than our coffee-dealers do: tliey make it
nearly black; and I think this is an advantage when
the coffee is immediately consumed. It is not likely
that our dealers who sell coffee ready roasted will
over-roast the berries, as they lose weight in
roasting, and the amount of loss is proportionate to the
extent of the roasting: when roasted only to a reddish
brown they lose fifteen per cent; to a dark brown,
twenty-five per cent.
As the best means of preventing drunkenness is by
supplying an agreeable substitute for intoxicating drinks,
any improvement of the poor man’s coffee is of great
social importance; I therefore suggest to the benevolent
ladies who so nobly exercise the attributes of woman
by visiting with kind intent the dwellings of the poor,
that they might do great service by teaching them how
to roast, and grind, and make coffee; and, where it is
practicable, by presenting the poor man’s wife with an
apparatus for the purpose. It appears to me that the
iron tray and the wooden pestle and mortar answer
their purposes admirably; and the two might be
profitably manufactured and sold for one shilling, if a quan-
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