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atbalsts — atdzejot

t\ n. -jos, -stijos, to lean

atbalsts m. pron, stay; support,
-sta punkts — -foothold,

atbērt v. a. -beru. -bēru. to

pour off.
atbilde /. answer, reply,

atbildēt v. a. -du, -dēju, to
answer, to reply, lo respond,
atbildētājs m. (pie tiesas)
accused, defendant,
atbildība /. responsibility;
(norēķins) account; pie -s saukt
— to call to account; -u dot —
to account for.
atbildīgs a. responsible,
atbilst v. a. -stu, -du, to
correspond with; tas r manam
cerībām — it comes up to my
expectations; ne » falls short
of; - mērķim — serves the
atbiras /. pi. remains, chips,
atbīdīt v. a. du, -diju, to move

off or aside,
atblāzma /. reflexion,
atbraucējs m. arrival,
atbraukšana /. arrival, arriving,
atbraukt v. a. -cu, -cu, to arrive,
atbrfvot v. a. -ju, -ju, to deliver,
to free, to rescue; v. n. -jos,
-jos, to clear,
atbrīvotājs m. deliverer,
liberator, rescuer,
atbruņot v. a. -ju, -ju, to disarm,
atbultēt u. a. -ju, -ju, to unbolt,
atburt v. a. -ru, -būru, to charm
away; to bruak a spell.

atcelt v. a. -)u, -cēlu, to abolish;
- no amata — to dismiss;
spriedumu — to reverse:
■■■<* pavēli — to retract.
atce|ot v. a. -ju, -ju, to arrive,
atcere /. commemoration;
atcerēties y. n. -ros, -rējos, to
remember, to recall, to

atcirst v. a. -cērtu, -cirtu, to cut
off; fig. (atbildēt) to answer
in harsh words; (padarīt
neasu) to blunt,
atdabūt v. a. -ju, -ju, to get

atdalījums m. compartment,

atdalīt v. a. -!u, -līju, to
separate; to isolate,
atdarināt v. a. -nu, -nāju, to

copy; to imitate,
atdarīt v. a. -ru, -riju, to open,
to disclose; (atmaksāt) to re- \

atdāvāt v. a, -ju, -ju, to give

atdot v. a. -dodu, -devu, to give
back or away; * godu — to
salute; v. . -dodos, -devosr to
give oneself,
atdrupt v. a. -drūpu, -drupu,, to

crumble off, to scale -of^
atdurties vl n. -diifos, -dūros, to ,
knock against, to stumble

atdusa /. repose, rest, slumber,
atdusēties v. n. -sos, -sējos, to

rest, to repose, to slumber,
atdzejot v. n. -ju, -ju, to re pro

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