Different kinds of dictionaries are listed here: spelling dictionaries, dialect dictionaries, etymological dictionaries, translation dictionaries, and dictionaries that explain loanwords (främmande ord), almost bordering on encyclopedias. During 2011, Project Runeberg started to digitize dictionaries that are younger than 70 years, under the assumption that they are not covered by copyright but only by 15 years of "catalog" or database protection.
In June 2020, a column for proofreading status was added to the table below. This column is not automatically updated, and might be out-of-date (except for the green boxes). The colours are the usual: red for not yet proofread, green for completed (with a year), and yellowish (with a percentage) for work-in-progress. For some works, there is a question mark instead of a percentage. It appears that all pages have been proofread, but none are marked as fully proofread, so someone needs to go through and check all pages.
Purpose | Pages | Printed year | Proof- read | Author and title |
Essays | ||||
Obsolete Swedish words | 34 | 1893 | 2011 | Cederschiöld, Döda Ord - Några anteckningar och reflexioner |
Theory of dictionaries | 41 | 1894 | 2011 | Cederschiöld, Om de senast framställda fordringarna på en historisk ordbok |
Dialects, etymology | ||||
Danish etymology | 291 | 1893 | Jessen, Dansk etymologisk Ordbog | |
Danish obsolete words | 518+341 | 1857-1866 | Molbech, Dansk Glossarium, eller Ordbog over forældede danske Ord | |
Norwegian dialects | 374 | 1938 | Christie, Norsk Dialect-Lexicon | |
Swedish dialects | 859 | 1862-1867 | 80% | Rietz, Svenskt dialektlexikon : ordbok öfver svenska allmogespråket |
Swedish etymological | 256 | 1870 | Lundström, Svensk ordbok med angifvande af ordens härledning | |
Swedish etymological | 3312 | 1884-1973 | Söderwall, Ordbok öfver svenska medeltids-språket | |
Swedish etymological | 1044 | 1914-1916 | 5% | Dahlgren, Glossarium öfver föråldrade eller ovanliga ord och talesätt |
Swedish etymological | 1248 | 1922 | 15% | Hellquist, Svensk etymologisk ordbok |
Swedish etymological | 530 | 1979 | Wessén, Våra ord : deras uttal och ursprung | |
Loanwords, encyclopedic dictionaries, synonyms | ||||
Swedish words | 1700 | 1850-1853 | Dalin, Ordbok öfver svenska språket | |
Norwegian loanwords | 72 | 1857 | Kortfattet Lexicon over henved 5000 fremmede... | |
Swedish synonyms | 404 | 1870 | Dalin, Svenska språkets synonymer | |
Norwegian loanwords | 959 | 1881 | Knudsen, Unorsk og norsk, eller Fremmedords avløsning | |
Swedish loanwords | 16 | 1902 | 2011 | Nyström-Hamilton, Förklaring öfver viktigare främmande ord i svenska språket |
Swedish loanwords / encyclopedic dictionary |
205 | 1903 | Ordbok för tidningsläsare | |
Swedish loanwords | 224 | 1915 | Bergström, Språkmästaren : förklaringar över 10,000 främmande ord, deras härledning och uttal | |
Swedish loanwords / encyclopedic dictionary |
175 | 1927 | 35% | Främmande ord i svenska språket. Folkets uppslagsbok |
Swedish synonyms | 586 | 1930 | 3% | Bring, Svenskt ordförråd ordnat i begreppsklasser |
Swedish loanwords | 1444 | 1936 | Ekbohrn, Förklaringar över 100,000 främmande ord och namn m.m. | |
Swedish loanwords | 240 | 1942 | Maiander, Saxon & Lindströms ordbok | |
Swedish loanwords | 130 | 1957 | Östergren, Våra vanligaste främmande ord | |
Swedish synonyms | 797 | 1984 | Ord för ord | |
Swedish loanwords | 208 | 1989 | 2013 | Källquist, Svåra ord |
Swedish loanwords | 388 | 1992 | Collinder, Nya ordhandboken | |
Spelling | ||||
Estonian spelling | 587 | 1945 | Muuk, Väike õigekeelsus-sõnaraamat | |
Norwegian (nynorsk) spelling | 198 | 1920 | Skard, Nynorsk ordbok for rettskriving og litteraturlesnad | |
Swedish spelling | 72 | 1920 | 15% | Gustafsson, Folkskolans ordlista |
Swedish spelling | 108 | 1966 | 30% | Gustafsson, Svensk ordlista |
Swedish spelling | 304 378 607 616 674 |
1889 1923 1954 1973 1991 |
15% | Svenska Akademiens ordlista |
Swedish spelling | - | our own compilation |
Nordic Words | |
Phrase books, grammatical dictionaries | ||||
German grammar | 270 | 1893 | 2007 | Nyrén, Mir eller Mich? |
German phrases | 404 | 1901 | Morén, Svensk-tyskt konstruktionslexikon | |
German phrases | 792 | 1905 | Morén, Tyskt konstruktions-lexikon | |
Swedish phrases | 891 | 1966 | Johannisson, Ljunggren, Svensk handordbok | |
Translation dictionaries (compact size) | ||||
Danish-Spanish | 44 | 1894 | Nyrop, Spansk Ordsamling | |
Danish-Swedish | 309 | 1984 | 10% | Widman, Dansk-svensk ordbok |
Norwegian-Danish | 120 | 1749 | Wessén, Glossarium Norvagicum [...] rare Norske Ord | |
Esperanto-Estonian Estonian-Esperanto |
159 | 1957 | Sepamaa, Väike esperanto-eesti ja eesti-esperanto sõnaraamat | |
French-Swedish | 181 | 1965 | Nöjd, Fransk-svensk ordbok | |
German-Estonian | 272 | 1965 | Lesthal, Deutsch-estnisches Wörterbuch für Schulen : Saksa-eesti sõnaraamat koolidele | |
Latvian-German | 339 | 1943 | Latviski vaciska vardnica | |
German-Swedish | 314 | 1956 | Auerbach & Rosenberger, Tysk-svensk ordbok | |
Swedish-Hungarian | 335 | 1965 | Wickman, Svensk-ungersk ordbok | |
Latin-Finnish | 322 | 1974 | Wessén, Latinalais-suomalainen sanakirja | |
Russian-Latvian | 215 | 1945 | Isa krieviski-latviska vardnica | |
Norwegian-Swedish | 69 | 1947 | ? | Wessén, Norsk-svensk ordlista |
Norwegian-Swedish | 201 | 1970 | Beckman, Norsk-svensk ordlista för bokmål och nynorska | |
Romani-German | 124 | 1901 | Thesleff, Wörterbuch des Dialekts der finnländischen Zigeuner | |
Sami-Swedish Swedish-Sami |
236 | 1973 | Korhonen, Sádnigir'ji : ordbok | |
Spanish-Swedish | 335 | 1978 | Spansk-svensk ordbok | |
Swedish-English English-Swedish |
300 435 |
1880s | 5% | Wessely, Wessely's Swedish-English dictionary in two parts |
Swedish-English | 220 | 1957 | 2019 | Tornberg, Ångström, Svensk-engelsk ordbok |
Swedish-Finnish | 338 | 1887 | Jännes, Svensk-finsk ordbok : ruotsalais-suomalainen sanakirja | |
Swedish-French | 269 | 1965 | 5% | Nöjd, Svensk-fransk ordbok |
Swedish-German | 433 | 1919 | Hoppe & Auerbach, Schwedisch-deutsches Wörterbuch. Svensk-tysk ordbok | |
Swedish-Italian | 434 | 1949 | Fahlstedt, Svenskt-italienskt parlörlexikon | |
Swedish-Italian | 430 | 1959 | Tompa, Svensk-italiensk ordbok | |
Swedish-Turkish | 71 | 1983 | Göransson, Lindholm, Nybörjarsvenska : Svensk-turkisk ordbok | |
Translation dictionaries (medium size) | ||||
Swedish-French | 404 | 1963 | Sund, Svensk-franskt : Natur och Kulturs handlexikon | |
Greek-Swedish | 372 | 1867 | Melander, Grekiskt-svenskt Hand-Lexicon till Nya Testamentet | |
Swedish-Greek | 535 | 1862 | Linder, Walberg, Svenskt-grekiskt lexikon | |
Italian-Swedish | 610 | 1940 | Fahlstedt, Italiensk-svensk ordbok | |
Italian-Swedish | 578 | 1973 | Italiensk-svensk ordbok | |
Latvian-English | 392 | 1964 | Turkina, Latvian-English dictionary | |
Latvian-English | 640 | 1982 | Turkina, Latvian-English dictionary | |
English-Swedish | 384 | 1943 | Cronwall (et al), Engelsk-svenskt lexikon | |
English-Swedish | 348 | 1963 | Freudenthal (et al), Engelsk-svenskt : Natur och Kulturs handlexikon | |
Swedish-English | 615 | 1914 | Montgomery, Svensk-engelsk ordbok | |
Swedish-English | 467 | 1872 | Öman, Svensk-engelsk hand-ordbok | |
Swedish-Estonian | 630 | 1976 | Wieselgren, Svensk-estnisk ordbok : Rootsi-eesti sõnaraamat | |
Swedish-Estonian | 474 | 1979 | Aaloe (et al), Svensk-estnisk ordbok : Rootsi-eesti sõnaraamat | |
Finnish-Estonian | 588 | 1971 | Pihel (et al), Suomalais-eestiläinen sanakirja : Soome-eesti sõnaraamat | |
French-Norwegian | 379 | 1933 | Jacobsen, Fransk-norsk ordbok | |
German-Latvian | 686 | 1944 | Dravnieks, Vaciski latviska vardnica | |
Norwegian-French | 363 | 1955 | Jacobsen, Norsk-fransk ordbok | |
Russian-Swedish | 564 | 1948 | 5% | Gunnarsson, Roubetz, Rysk-svenskt lexikon |
Russian-Swedish | 486 | 1956 | 2016 | Regnéll, Rysk-svensk ordbok |
Swedish-Spanish | 419 | 1961 | Cederholm & Sund, Svensk-spanskt lexikon | |
Swedish-Spanish | 419 | 1979 | Cederholm & Sund, Svensk-spanskt : Natur och Kulturs handlexikon | |
German-Swedish | 536 | 1920 | Hoppe, Tysk-svensk ordbok : skolupplaga | |
German-Swedish | 393 | 1965 | 5% | Hoppe, Tyskt-svenskt standardlexikon |
Swedish-German | 390 | 1914 | Hoppe, Svensk-tysk ordbok : skolupplaga | |
Swedish-German | 351 | 1963 | Hoppe, Svenskt-tyskt standardlexikon | |
Translation dictionaries (large) | ||||
Danish-Russian | 972 | 1960 | Krymova, Emzina, Moltke, Dansk-russisk ordbog | |
Russian-Danish | 909 | 1956 | Krymova, Emzina, Russisk-dansk ordbog | |
English-Swedish | 1024 | 1948 | Kärre (et al), English-Swedish Dictionary : Engelsk-svensk ordbok | |
Swedish-English | 1048 | 1964 | Harlock, Svensk-engelsk ordbok : skolupplaga | |
Estonian-German | 978 | 1970 | Kann (et al), Estnisch-deutsches Wörterbuch : Eesti-saksa sõnaraamat | |
Estonian-Russian | 715 | 1977 | Tamm, Eesti-vene sõnaraamat | |
Russian-Estonian | 819 | 1973 | Muhel, Vene-eesti sõnaraamat | |
Swedish-Finnish | 1109 | 1930 | Cannelin, Knut, Svenskt-finskt lexikon | |
Swedish-Finnish | 798 | 1960 | Hirvensalo, Hedlund, Ruotsalais-suomalainen sanakirja : Svensk-finsk ordbok | |
Finnish-Swedish | 935 | 1968 | Cannelin, et. al., Finsk-svensk ordbok | |
Swedish-French | 2177 | 1922 | ? | Schulthess, Svensk-fransk ordbok |
Swedish-French | 1095 | 1964 | ? | Hammar, Svensk-fransk ordbok |
French-Swedish | 740 | 1891 | ? | Schulthess, Fransk-svensk ordbok |
French-Swedish | 779 | 1963 | ? | Vising, Fransk-svensk ordbok |
German-Norwegian | 1684 | 1933-1936 | Sverdrup, Tysk-norsk ordbok | |
Swedish-German | 975 | 1915 | Klint, Svensk-tysk ordbok | |
Swedish-German | 1529 | 1928 | ? | Auerbach, Svensk-tysk ordbok |
Swedish-German | 755 | 1966 | ? | Svensk-tysk ordbok |
German-Swedish | 2880 | 1932 | ? | Auerbach, Tysk-svensk ordbok |
German-Swedish | 867 | 1965 | ? | Tysk-svensk ordbok |
Danish-Greenlandic | 706 | 1893 | Kjer & Rasmussen, Dansk-grønlandsk Ordbog | |
Greenlandic-Danish | 795 | 1804 | Fabricius, Den grønlandske Ordbog | |
Swedish-Hungarian | 1024 | 1972 | Lakó, Fehér, Svéd-magyar szótár : svensk-ungersk ordbok | |
Swedish-Latin | 962 | 1875-1876 | 2010 | Cavallin, Swensk-Latinsk Ordbok |
Russian-Swedish | 954 | 1896 | 17% | Lerche, Rysk-svensk ordbok |
Swedish-Russian | 1329 | 1846 | Meurman, Svenskt och ryskt lexikon | |
Swedish-Russian | 1200 | 1959 | 40% | Milanova, Svensk-rysk ordbok |
Various topics | ||||
Bible cross-reference in Swedish | 589 | 1926 | Bensow, Biblisk ordbok : ordförteckning (bibelkonkordans) | |
Biblical concepts in Swedish | 579 | 1896 | 2004 | Nyström, Biblisk ordbok för hemmet och skolan |
English-Finnish technical and commercial terms | 760 | 1960 | Talvitie, Englantilais-suomalainen tekniikan ja kaupan sanakirja | |
English-Swedish technical terms | 858 | 1971 | Engström, Engelsk-svensk teknisk ordbok | |
Russian-Swedish military terms | 189 | 1960 | Bohm, Rysk-svensk militär ordbok | |
Russian-Swedish military terms | 138 | 1965 | Bohm, Rysk-svensk militär ordbok : förkortningar | |
Swedish-English technical terms | 251 | 1945 | Engström, Svensk-engelsk teknisk ordbok | |
German-Swedish technical terms | 745 | 1968 | Engström, Tysk-svensk teknisk ordbok | |
Swedish-German technical terms | 638 | 1959 | Engström, Svensk-tysk teknisk ordbok | |
Norwegian musical terms | 100 | 1930 | Winter-Hjelm, Musikalsk real-ordbok | |
Swedish-English, English-Swedish business and accounting |
382 | 1988 | FARs ordlista | |
Swedish-English-French-Spanish-German telecom terminology |
640 | 1992 | 2% | Eriterm : femspråkig ordlista för telekommunikation : svenska, engelska, franska, spanska, tyska |
Swedish place names | 30 | 1979 | Sahlgren & Bergman, Svenska ortnamn med uttalsuppgifter |
Old encyclopedias have a modern, born-digital counterpart in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. But what exactly will future dictionary be like? The modern replacement for spelling dictionaries are the spell checkers already built into word processing software. For large, etymological dictionaries (Oxford English Dictionary, Svenska Akademiens ordlista, Ordbog over det danske Sprog), a modern attempt is Wiktionary, one of the sister projects to Wikipedia. Even though they use the same wiki software, Wiktionary applies a highly specialized format, that makes it much harder to copy content from old printed dictionaries, compared to how easily old encyclopedic articles are copied to Wikipedia.
See the preface to Wessely's Swedish-English dictionary for some ideas on how to post-process and present translation dictionaries.
See also reference.