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.augšpēdu — avizfc
augšpēdu adv. lying on one’s
back; pakrist » head -over
augšpus adv. abofo.
augšup adv. up, upwards; (pa
trepēm) upstairs,
augt v. a. -gu, -gu, to grow, to
vegetate; (vairoties) to increase,
augu māja f. greenhouse, con-|
servatory; * valsts —
vegetable kingdom; * zinātne —
augums m. growth; size;
(cilvēka) stature; visā *mā — at
full length,
augusts m. August,
auka f. storm, tempest, gale,
aukla f. string,
aukle f. nurse.
auklēt v. a. -ju, -ju, to nurse,
aukslējas f. pl.~palate,
aukstasinība /• coldbloodedness,
presence of mind,
auksts a. cold, chilly,
aukstums m. coldness,
aula /. hall in the universities,
schools, etc.
aulekši m. pi. gallop,
aulekšot v. a. -ju, -ju, to gallop
aumaļām adv. in streams,
auns m. ram, wether,
aurēt v. a. -ju, -ju, to shout, to
cry out.
aurošana /. shouting, howling,
aurot v. a. -ju, -ju, to roar, to
ausains a. with long ears,
auseklis m. morning star,
auslgs a. sharp, keen; quick of
ausīties v. n. -sos, sījos, to prick
>up (or to cock) one’s ears,
auskars m. pendant, ear-ring,
ausma /. dawn, daybreak,
auss /. ear; *u ārsts — aurist.
aust v. a. -žu, -du, to weave,
aust v. imp. -st,.-sa, to dawn?
diena « it dawns,
austere /. oyster,
austrumi m. pi. east, Orient,
austrumnieks m. Oriental,
austuve /. weaver’s workshop;
(fabrika) -— weaving-mill,
auša /. wind-bag.
aušāties v. n. -jos, -jos, to play
the fool,
aušība f. folly, fatuity, silliness,
aušīgs a. fatuous, silly, foolish:
aut v. a. aunu, āvu, to put on
shoes or boots,
auti m. pi. swaddle; leg-bands,
autiņi m. pi. baby’s napkins,
swaddling-cloth; vēl »ņos —
to be stixl in long clothes,
automobilis m. automobile, mo*
auzas f. pi. oats; spiestas
%-rolled oats,
auzājs m. field of oats; «Jt —
oat-straw; (lauks) oat-stubble,
auzu milti m. pi. oatmeal;
tume — oatmeal porridge,
avanss m. advance of money,
avarija /. shipwreck; damage by
avenājs m. raspberry-bash,
avene /. raspberry,
avīze /. newspaper.
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