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(1964) Author: Eizenija Turkina - Tema: Dictionaries, Latvia
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lecināt v. a, -nu, -nāju, to daiļce.

to Iet spring,
ledains a. icy.

ledlauzis m. ice-breaker; (ierīce!

ledus m. ice; «gabals — floating
ice, ice-floe; «laikmets —
ice-age, glacial period; * skapis —
lefkoja /. gilly-flowcr.
lelerkaste /. barrel-organ,
leitis sk. lietuvietis,
leitnants m* lieutenant
leja /. valley, dale, vale;
low-. laud.

leji adv, down; braukt — to
drive downhill; pa trepēm • —
lejkanna /. watering-can.
lejpus adv. below,
lejputrlja /. Cockaigne,
lejup adv. sk. lejā»
lekcija /, lecture; (stunda) lesson,
fclrt t>, a* *cw, lēcu, sk. lēkt.
Uktfra /• readings reading

kktow w* lecturer*
lelle /. doli; (log«) dummy.

puppet; left is teifrs —•
" and-Judy show.
Iemesls m. ploughshare,
tempts w. churl, boar,
Irnxpigs a. boorish,
churlish.-lemt v. -mju, -mu» to decide.
Irnces /. pJ, braces,
tela /. ribbon; -las ta?^ —

leņķis w. angle, corner.
Icpmba /. haughtiness, pride,
lepns a. proud, haughty.

I^lvisHi-aagi&fct virtaiciu

lepnums ra. pride,
lepoties v. n. -jos, -jos, to be
proud of, to boast of, to pride
oneself on.
lepra f. leprosy,
lete /• counter.

Sēca /. (stikls) lens; (grauds)
lentil; *cu virums — lenti!
lēcējs m, hopper; jumper,
lēciens m. bound, jump, leap;

* sāņus — swerve,
lējējs ra. (metala) caster,
moulder; (ūdens) waterer. •
lējums m< (veidni) cast; (ūdens)

shower, torrent,
lēkāt tu -ju, »ju, to hop, to

jump, to leap,
lēkme /. attack, fit, seizure,
lēkšana /. jumping, leaping»

lēkši m. pi. gallop,
lēkšot vt a. -ju, -ju, to gallop,
lēkšus adv. at a gallop,
lēkt v. a, -cu, -cu, to jump, to

hop, lo spring,
lekts nu (saules) sunrise,
lēmējs m> arbitrator, judge.
!’"fi\uns m. decision, resolution.
&nai», lēni .adv. slowly.
len?ba mildness, meekness.

Zinīgs <z. gentle, mild, meek,
lecprptiba gentleness, meek-

a, slow, ttrcfy; {kastanis) .
lēpe /. colt’s Coot
If-se /. account, reckoning, Mil.

ivti adv, cheaply, easily.


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