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nocilpot — nodilts

- kuģi no sēkļa — to refloat
a ship; fig. to steal.

nocilpot v. a. -ju, -ju, to walk
a ditance.

nocirpt v. a. -cērpu, -cirpu, to

nocirst v. a. -cērtu; cirtu, to cut
off, to fell, to hew down; *
galvu — to behead, to

nociesties v. n. -šos, -tos, to
refrain, to obstain from, to

nocietēt v. a. -ju, -ju, to grow

nocietināt v. a. -nu, -nāju, to
fasten; (karā) to entrench, to
fortify; v. n. «nos, -nājos, to
be strengthened, to l>e

nodabā adv. iet savā nodabā, to
walk sunk in one’s thoughts.

Nodalījums ra. compdriment;

nodalīt v. a. -lu, -liju, lo divide,
to allot, to aportion; V* n* -los,
-IVjos, to separate, to seclude

Jiodaja f. department,
(organiz.)-section; (veikal$
branch-establishment; (grāmatas)

nodambēt v. a. -ju, -ju, to dam
in, to dike.

nodarbinot v. a. -nu- -nāju, to
employ, to occupy.

nodarbošanās /„ employment,

nodarboties v» n. -jos, -jos, to

busy oneself with; to employ
or occupy oneself; to sludy.
nodarināt v. a. -nu, -nāju,
(saknes) to cut off roots and
stalks; (kokus) to prune, to

nodarījums ra. action; bargain;


nodarīt v. a. -ru, -riju, (nobeigt)
to finish, to complete; (but
par iemeslu) to cause,
nodarvot v. a. -ju, -ju, to tar.
nodauzīt v. a. -zu, -zīju, to beat

off, to knock off. *
nodārdēt v. a. -du, -dēju; to

reverberate, to resound,
nodedzināt v. a. -nu, -nāju, to

burn down,
nodegt v. a. -gu, -gu, to be burnt

nodeldēt v. a. -ju, to wear off

or out; * parādus: to pay

noderēt v. a. -ru. -reju, (salīgt)

: to make agreement, to hire
out; (lietojot) to be worth, to
.be of use.
noderīgs a. fit., suitable,

nodevas /, pi taxes, ri tes dues;

(muita) doties,
customl..-nodevējs ra. deliverer; (idejiski)

traitor, betrayer,
nodevīgs a. treacherous, false,
nodibināt v. a. -nu, -nāju, to
j found, to establish; v. tu -nos,
-nājos, to be founded, to be
j set up.

{nodilis a. worn, shabby; (dro-

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