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piombe — pjaut 255

plombē /. lead, seal; (zobu)

slopping, filling,
plosīgs a. naughty,

plosīt v, a. -su, -siju, to tear,

(miesu) to lacerate; v. n. -sos,
•sijos, to rage, to fight, to


plostnieks ra. raftsman; (pārce-

lējs) ferryman,
plostojams a, (upe) navigable

for rafts; (koki) floatable,
plostot v. a. to float wood, to

plosts m. float, raft; (celtuve),
ferry; »stn koki — floated


plucināt v. a. -nus -nāju,
(spalvas) to pluck; (ar ūdeni) to
scald; ’{saplēst) to tear,
pludenis ra. west-wind,
pludināt v. a. -nu, -nāju, to

pludiņi m. float, cork,
pludot v. a. -ju, -ju, ta float, to

plukata /. poor wretch,
penniless fellow,
plukt v. a. pluku, pluku, to fade,

to lose colour,
plukums ra, fading,

plunčāties v. n. -jos, -jos, to

dabble, to splash,
plunkšķēt v. a. -šķu, -šķēju, to
make a plumping noise in the

plunšķināt v. a. -nu, -nāju, to


pluska /. shred, tatter; (cilvēks)

pltišķis ra. a shaggy dog.
plūdeņi ra. pi spirants, non-

occlusives; liquids,
plūdi ra. pi flood, inundation;

grēku - — the Deluge,
plūdonis ra. tide, flood,
plūdums ra. flow, tide,
plūkāt v. a. -ju, -ju, to pluck,

to pick repeatedly,
plūksnas /. pZ. flock«
plūkšana /. plucking, picking,
plūkšanās /. brawl, scuffle,

plūkt v. a. -cu, -cu, to pluck, to
pick; v. n. -cos, -cos, to
Scuffle, to fight,
plukums ra. all that has been

plume /. plum,
plus adv. plus,
plūsma /. current, stream,
plūst v. a. -stu, -du, to flow, to
run; ļaudis * — people are
flocking to or streaming

plūtokratija /. plutocracy,
pļauja/, harvest; siena ».■ — .

mowing, haymaking,
pļaujams a. (labība) ripe or
ready for cutting; (siens)
ready for mowing; mowable.
pļaujmašīna /. mowing-machine,
pļauka /. sk. pliķis,
pjaukāt "v. a. -Ju, -ju, sk. pliķēt.
pļaušana /. (labības) cutting,

reaping; (zāles) mowing,
pļaut v. n. -ju, -ju, pļāvu, to
cut, to mow, to reap.

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