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(1964) Author: Eizenija Turkina - Tema: Dictionaries, Latvia
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sanitārs — sapni;

rage, to infuriate; v. ru -jos,

-jos, to get enraged, to
become furious,
sanitars m. sanitary,
sanīcis a. poorly; ailing,
sanīkt v. a. -stu, -ku, to pine

away, to be in bad health,
sanīsties v. n. -stos, -dos, to
fall out (with), to be at
sankcija /. sanction,
santims m. sanliin (Is 0 01), the

smaltest Latvian coin,
saņemt v. a. -mu, -ņēmu, to
take, to receive, to get;
(viesus) to greet, to welcome;
(savākt) lo gather up; v. n. -mos,
-ņēmos, to pull oneself
together, to summon one’s
strength, to take courage,
saņurcīt v. a. -cu, -cīju, to

crumple, to rumple,
saost v. a. -ožu, -odu, to smell,
to scent; to hunt out; v. n.
-žos, -dos, to smell enough

sapals m. whiting, whitebait,
sapampt v. a. -stu, -pu, to

swell up.
s&paunāt v. a. -ju, -ju, to pack

sapelējis a. mouldy,
sapelēt v. a. -ju, -ju, to get

sapelnīt v. a. -nu, -nīju, to earn,
sapēri v. q. -peru, -pēru, to

sapiktot v. a. -ju, -ju, to make
arfgry; v. n. -jos, -jps, to grow

sapinkāt v. <*. -ju, -ju, to mat;
v. n, -jos, -jos, to get matted
or dissheveiled,
sapiparot v. a. -ju, -ju, to

sapirkt v. cu -pērku, -pirku, «to

buy up.
sapīcis a. peevish, surly,
sapīkt v. a. -stu, -ku, to pout»

to get annoyed,
sapīt v. cu -pinu, -pinu, to
interweave, to plait together;
v. n. -nos, -nos, to get
entangled, to become implicated,
sapieris m. sapper,
saplaisāt v. a. -ju, -ju, 10 crack,
to split.

saplakt v. cu -ploku, -plaku, to
decrease; fig. to lose courage,
saplēst v< a. -šu, -su, to tear In
pieces, to rend; to break to
smash; v. ru -šos, -sos, to

saplīst v. a. -stu, -su, (drēbes)
to tear, (trauki) to break, to

saplosīt v. a. -su, -sīju, to tear,
saplucināt v, a. -nu, -nāju, to

pluck or pick to pieces,
saplūdums rru concourse, rush;

(asiņu) congestion,
saplūkāt v. a. -ju, -ju, sk.
saplūkt v. a. -cu, -cu, to gather,

to pluck,
saplūst v. a. -stu, -du, to flow,

lo ctowd together.
sap|aut v. a. -ju, -pļavu, to mow

a certain quantity,
sapnis m. dream; «ņu grāmata

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