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— (divided by) is the sign of division.
= (equal). When this sign is placed between two quanti-
ties, it indicates that they are of equal value. For instance
4 + 5 + 2 = 11
8 — 3 -f6 — 2 = 9
5 X 12 = 96
100 -h- 5 = 20
. (decimal point) signifies that the number written after it
has some power of 10 for its denominator.
° ’ " means degrees, minutes and seconds of an angle.
’ " means feet and inches.
a" a’" reads a prime, a second, a third.
a\ cii a% reads a sub 1, a sub 2, a sub 3, and is always
used to designate corresponding values of the same element.
s/ This is the radical sign and signifies that a root is to be
extracted of the quantity coming under the sign ; this may be
square root, cube root, or any other root, according to what
there is signified by the number prefixed in place of the letter n.
3 4
For instance : VVeads square root, V reads cube root, VVeads
fourth root, V reads fifth root, V64 = 8, because 8 X 8 ,= 64
V64 = 4, because 4 X 4 X 4 = 64
V81 = 3, because 3X3X3X3 = 81
The sign that a quantity is to be raised to a certain
power is a small number placed at the upper right hand corner
of the quantity ; this number is called the exponent. For in-
stance, 72
signifies that 7 is to be squared or multiplied by itself,
that is :
T2 = 7 X 7 = 49
73 =7X7X7 = 343, etc.
braces, [ ] brackets, ( ) parentheses, signify that
the quantities which they include are to be considered as one
quantity. For instance : 35 — (8 -f- 6) is equal to 35 — 14 = 21.
In this case the parenthesis indicates that not only 8, but the
sum of 8 + 6 is to be subtracted from 35.
(vinculum or bar) is a straight line placed over
two or more quantities, indicating that they are to be operated
upon as one quantity. For instance, V^25 + 11. The vinculum
attached to the radical sign indicates that the square root shall
be extracted from the sum of 25+11, which is the same as the
square root of 36.
35-1-1 5-4-22
In an expression as —3
±.— the bar indicates that
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