Peder Lobben was born in 1858 on a farm in Norway. He worked first at Kongsberg Vaabenfabrik. From age 21 in 1879 he worked in the U.S.A., yet graduated from a Norwegian technical college at Horten in 1882. In 1894 he returned to Norway and published a Lommebog for Mekanikere (1895; 2nd edition 1900, 735 pages; 4th edition 1908; 7th edition 1921, 968 pages; Pocket reference for mechanics), but soon went back to the U.S.A. In English he published the Machinists’ and Draftsmen’s Handbook (1900, 438 pages, Internet Archive). In 1902 he returned to Norway and started a correspondence school in Oslo, with courses summarized in Lobbens tekniske bibliotek (5 volumes, 1923—1928).
The second edition of Machinists’ and Draftsmen’s Handbook
(1910, 487 pages) is shown here. Compared to the 1st edition, it adds
a table of contents and a chapter on electrical terms. It was
digitized in June 2011 at the Library of Congress by the Internet
Archive, from where the scanned images and OCR text in January 2025
were copied to Project Runeberg. We have white-balanced the images,
making them a bit brighter.
This volume was scanned elsewhere and made available by the Internet Archive,
from where the scanned images were copied to Project Runeberg.
We very much appreciate that they have made this possible
and want to encourage other digital library projects to
follow their example. Read more about Project Runeberg's
image sources.