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Fig. 1 a shows a drawing of a pattern for a gear and rack
half inch circular pitch, and cast teeth of the cycloid form. The
gear has 48 teeth and the pitch diameter may be obtained by
means of the table on page 376,
thus: the pitch diameter of a gear
of 48 teeth, one inch circular pitch,
is given as 15.28 inches, the pitch
diameter of a gear of 48 teeth
and one half inch circular pitch
will, therefore, be 15.28 divided by
2, which is 7.64 inches.
The width of the space m in
Fig. 1 a may be seven-thirteenths
of the pitch and the thickness of
the tooth / may be six-thirteenths
of the pitch.
Fig. 1 a
Note :
—Gears with so small a pitch as half-inch are now very
seldom made with cast teeth, but such gears are usually cut
from solid stock and the teeth are usually constructed accord-
ing to the involute system and calculated according to dia-
metral pitch.
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