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Adams, Ann-Charlotte Gavel
188, 218
Ahlström, Gunnar 116 f, 137
f, 140 f
Ahlström, Stellan 10, 110, 222
Alas^Clarin, Leopoldo 37
Almqvist, Carl Jonas Love 30,
45> J19
Andersen, H.C. 122
Anderson, bröderna
(fotografer) 168
Anderson, Herman 191, 211
Andersson, Hendrich 103 f
Andersson, Lars, se Andreæ,
Andreæ, Laurentius 14 f
Aristoteles 103
Aurell, Tage 171
Balzac, Honoré de 32 f, 37,
233 f, 242
Baudelaire, Charles 230
Beckman, Knut 149
Bellman, Carl Michael 118,
Bennich-Björkman, Bo 216
Bergegren, Hinke 72
Bergh, Richard 197
Bergman, Ingmar 12
Bergstrand, W. A. 136
Birger Jarl 114
Birgitta, heliga 36
Bjurström, Carl-Gustaf 141
Björnson, Björnstierne 59,
112, 205, 217
Blanc, Louis 114
Blanche, August 105, 111,
119, 146
Boéthius, SJ. 132 f
Bonnier, Albert 177, 179, 226
Bonnier, Isidor 149
Bonnier, Karl Otto 112, 166,
171, i74f, 188, 231
Borup, Mörten 242, 243
Bosse, Harriet 8, 62, 85-87,
92, 199, 207, 213 f
Boye, Karin 194
Brandeli, Gunnar 10 f, 105 f,
108 f, 122, 184, 226, 228 f
Brändes, Edvard 23, 59, 71,
135’ 138> 158-166, 171,
242 f
Brändes, Georg 23, 59, 77,
157-160, 242 f
Bran ting, Hjalmar 20, 46, 50,
53, 70, 72 f, 78, 125, 205,
210, 213
Bremer, Fredrika 36, 114, 119
Brundin, Margareta 165
Brunetière, Ferdinand 180,
182 f
Brunstedt, G. W. 35
Buchmayr, Friedrich 200, 243
Buckles, Henry Thomas 134
Burns, Robert 100
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