- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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Bundens Opgang fra det store Dyb inde i Sognefjorden til
dennes ydre grundere Del og toges et Par Skraber i denne
sidste, hvorpaa. Expeditionen gik ud til Husø ved Fjordens
Munding. Her blev den liggende i 10 Dage, der
anvendtes til magnetiske Observationer i Land og til Svingning
af Skibet for at’ bestemme de magnetiske Constanter for
Navigationen og for de magnetiske Instrumenter ombord.
Til samme Tid toges daglig Skrabninger fra Baad af
Zoo-’ logerne.

Den 20de .Tuui gik Expeditionen tilsøs. Vejrfet, der
under Opholdet i Husø havde været noget uroligt blev
efterhaanden udmærket. Overensstemmende med Planen
• begyndte man strax’ meel Bestemmelsen af den langs
Kysten løbende dybe Rendes Affald mod Ishavet: Under
dette Arbejde fik vi første* Gang iskoldt Vand i Dybet om
Aftemyi den 21de Juni paa 62° 45’ N. Br. og 1° 48’ L.
0. f. G1’- og ved Skrabningen sammesteds den første
Um-bellularia. Til Middag den 23de arbejdedes Dag og Nat
med Lodninger. Skrabninger. Temperaturrækker. og
Optagning af Vandprøver fra Bund og Overflade. Skibets Vej
og de Stationer, hvor der er foretaget Undersøgelser, er
afsatte paa det medfølgende Oversigtskart.

Fredag den 23de .Tuni ankom Vøringen til
Kristiansund. Den 24de og 26de anvendtes til at fylde Kul og
Vand samt’ gjøre nogle mindre Anskaffelser. Mandskabet
blev forøget med 3 Mand. da Zoologerne tiltrængte mere
Assistance end paaregnet, ligesom Arbejdet med
Apparaterne viste sig mere anstrængende for Folkene, end man
havde tænkt sig.

Tirsdag den 27de Juni afgik Expeditionen atter fra
Kristiansund. og ud paa Storeggen. hvor der toges 10
Lodskud ög 5 Bundskrabninger. hvorpaa Kursen sattes videre
vestover. Den 30te Juni loddedes, trawledes og skrabedes
i 525 (eng.) Favne og den 1ste Juli ’i. 587 Favne paa
63° 5’ X.. Br.. 0° 53’ L. 0. f. Gr. Lige siden Afgangen
fra Husø havde Vejret været særdeles smukt., men den lste
Juli begyndte den _ første Storm, og siden holdt Vejret sig
usædvanligt ugunstigt lige til den 15de August.1 Kl. 10
om Aftenen den lste Juli var Vindens Hastighed 20 Meter
i Sekundet. Vindens Retning SSØ. og Fartøjets Kurs ØSØ,
begge retvisende. . Bølgernes Hojde maaltes til 5—6 Meter.
Da Vinden efterhaanden gik om paa SV., lagdes Kursen
om Eftermiddagen den 2den Juli mod Vest. Vinden var
svagere, men Søgangen hindrede fremdeles vore Arbejder
paa Dybet. Den 3die Juli avancerede vi fremdeles
langsomt vestover, men uden at kuniie bruge
Dybhavsappara-terne. Vinden var noget mindre stærk, men Søen fremdeles
urolig. Bølgehøjden 3 Meter. Den 4de Juli om Morgenen

1 Man se uCartes synoptiques iounialieres. constitutes par N.
Hoffmeyer. directeur de l’institut météorologique Danois,’’ i hvilke vor
Expeditions meteorologiske Iagttagelser er benyttede.

evening ran in shore to anchor. On the morning of the
9th was determined the rise of the bottom from the great
inner depths of the Sognefjord to its shallower outer part,
where we took one or two hauls of. the • dredge, and then
proceeded on to Husø, at the mouth of the fjord. Here
the Expedition remained 10 days, with the object of
instituting magnetical observations on shore, and of
swinging ship for deviation and determining the constants of
the magnetical instruments. During our stay the zoologists
dredged the bottom daily from a boat.

On the 20th of June the Expedition put to sea.
The weather, which had been somewhat blustering at
Husø. now began to moderate, and turned out
remarkably fine. Agreeably to the approved’ plan, we at once
proceeded to investigate the deep channel that stretches
along the coast, -and to explore its slope towards the basiu
of the Arctic Ocean. Whilst thus engaged, we struck
in the depths, for the first time, water of 0° temperature,
on the evening of the 21st. lat. 62° 45’ N., long. 1° 48’
E.. and a haul of the dredge brought up. our first
specimen of Umbellularia. Till noon of the 23rd. our time
was fully occupied with sounding, dredging, taking serial
temperatures, and collecting samples of sea-water from the
. bottom and from the surface. The accompanying Plate
shows’ the track of the ship and the Stations at which
any exploring work was done.

On Friday the 23rd of June the Vøringen" reached
Christiansund. Two days’ — the 24th and the 26th — were
passed in taking in coal and water, and otherwise
completing the equipment of the vessel. At this port 3
additional hands were shipped, the zoologists needing • increased
assistance; the working the apparatus ship. too. had proved
more •laborious than originally anticipated.

On Tuesday the 27th of June the Expedition left
Christiansund. and- steamed out to the Storeggen bank.
Here we took a series of 10 soundings and 5 hauls.of the
dredge, after which the vessel pursued her westward course.
On the 30th of June we sounded, trawled, and dredged,
in 525 fathoms; and on the 1st of July, in 587 fathoms,
lat. 63° 5’ N., long. 0° 53’ E. Since our departure from
Husø the weather had been uncommonly tine; but on the
lst of July it blew a heavy gale, and from that date to
the 15th of August the weather continued exceptionally
foul.1 On the 1st of July, at 10 p. m.. the velocity of
the wind was 20 metres a second, its direction (true) SSE..
and the course of the vessel (true) ESE.: height of the
waves 5—6 metres (18’ feet). The wind having
gradually veered to the south-west, on the afternoon of the 2nd
the ship was given a westward course. The wind had
fallen off, but the sea was still too high to admit of
deep-sea operations. On the 3rd of July we continued steaming
slowly westward, with no possibility however of working

1 Vide "Cartes synoptiques journalieres.- construites par N.
Hoffmeyer, directeur de l’institut météorologique ’Danois." in which part
of our meteorological observations are incorporated.


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