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8. Magnetiske Iagttagelser. Daglige — om. Vejret
tillader det — Bestemmelser af Misvisningen,
Inclination og Intensitet. Observationernes Beregning
saavidt ske kan. Observationer paa Land-
(Basis-)Sta-troner til Bestemmelse af de nødvendige magnetiske
9. Lejlighedsvise Iagttagelser, hvortil Tid og Sted maatte
give Anledning, # saasom hydrografiske Undersøgelser,
açtronomisk-geögrafiske Stedbestemmelser, geologiske
Iagttagelser m. m.
8. Magnetical Observations (taken daily, weather permit- ’
ting), to determine declination, inclination, and
intensity, so far as practicable, with computation of the
results. For determining the magnetic constants,
observations .will be instituted on shore, at base-stations.
9. Occasional observations, for which time and place
may furnish opportunity, such as hydrographical
observations. observations of latitude and longitude,
geological observations. &c. &c.
Den 1-ide April blev Dampskibet -’Vøringen" i
Bergen overtaget for Expeditionen Regning, og det
overdroges D’Hrr. Brunchorst & Dekke at udføre Forandringerne
og Indredningsarbejderne efter den vedtagne Plan. Mod
Slutningen af Maj Maaned var disse færdige og samtlige
Apparater. saavidt muligt paa Plads, hvorefter
Expeditionen Deltagere, Professorerne Mohn og Sars, Dr.
Daniels-sen, Hir. Friele. Hit. Svendsen og Landskabsmaler Schiertz
embarke’rede. Som - Skibsofficerer var ’antagne
Premierlieut-nant i Marinen li. M. Petersen og Skibsfører J. Grieg.
Om Morgenen den 1ste Juni afgik Expeditionen fra
Bergen og sejlede ind i Sognefjorden, hvor den samme
Dags Eftermiddag ankrede i Esefjord. Efter -nogle
Forberedelser foretoges i Fjorden udenfor Esefjord de første
Lodninger og Skrabninger til Prøve. Lodningen foregik
strax uden Vanskelighed. Ved den første Skrabning havde
vi det Ulield. at Skrabetouget sprang, uden synderlig
paa-gaaende Kraft, paa Grund af en Fejl i Sammenslagningen,
hvilket var saameget mere uheldigt, som det vakte Tvivl om
Tougverkets Godhed. Dette Viste sig imidlertid senere
udmærket, og den første var den eneste Skrabe, der paa hele
Expeditionen gik tabt af denne Aarsag. Den næste
Skrabning var ogsaa uden Resultat, da Farten havde været for
stor, hvorved Skraben strax løftedes fra Bunden, men
hermed var ogsaa den fornødne Erfaring indvunden med
Hensyn til.denne Manøvre.
Anden Pintsedag, den 5te Juni, foretoges en
Excursion til Bqjum-Bræen i Fjærland. Forøvrigt anvendtes
Tiden med Klargjøring af Lodde- og Skrabe-Apparaterne
og med deres Anvendelse paa Dybet. Den 8de Juni gik
vi udover Sognefjorden, tog nogle Lodskud udenfor Bøfjor-’
den, hvor Dybden endnu var 600 Favne og ankrede om
Aftenen paa nævnte Sted. Den 9de. om Morgenen bestemtes
On the 14th of April the S.S. -’Vøringen."’ lying in
the port of Bergen, was. taken in charge for the
Expedition, and Messrs. Brunchorst & Dekke commissioned to
undertake the necessary alterations &c.. in conformity
with the approved plan. By the latter end of May the
vessel was ready for sea; and all instruments and
apparatus having been got on board, and so far as possible
arranged, the several members of the Expedition. —
Professors Mohn and Sars, Dr. Danielssen. Mr. Friele. Mr.
Svendsen, and an artist. Mr. Schiertz, forthwith embarked.
The chief- officers (exclusive ’of the captain) were —
R. M. Petersen, R.N., first lieutenant; J. Grieg,
On .the morning of the 1st of June the Expedition
left Bergen, steaming northward for the Sognefjord, which
it reached on the afternoon of that day, and cast anchor
in the Esefjord, an arm of the above. After a few
preparations, the first soundings and dredgings were
commenced, off the mouth of the Esefjord. No difficulty
whatever attended the former operation: but at the first
trial with the dredge, the rope, though not exposed to any
considerable strain, unfortunately parted; owing to some
defect in the manufacture; which was the more to be
regretted, since it gave reason to apprehend that the general
quality of the rope-work supplied to the Expedition might
prove inferior. Happily, however, it turned out to be
excellent, and no other dredge was lost in this manner. The
next dredging also proved unsuccessful, from the speed of
the vessel, which’ was too great, causing the dredge to be
. lifted off the bottom. Meanwhile, sufficient experience had
been acquired in the use of the apparatus.
On AVhit Monday, the 5th of June, an excursion was
made to the Bojum glacier, in Fjærland. The following
days were occupied with getting in order the sounding and
dredging apparatus, and working them in d’eep water.
On the 8th of June we steamed out of*the Sognefjord,
took a few soundings off the’Bøfjord, where the depth was
still found to be not less than 600 fathoms, and in the
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