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H. Mohn, Xogle Bidrag"
til de nordlige Landes Geografi
og Naturhistorie,
sammenstillede efter Iagttagelser,
gjorte paa den noi*ske Nordhavs-Expedition 1876—78.
Med ii farvetrykte Billeder og 1) Træsnit
samt 2 Karter.
Ved Nordhavs-Expeditionens Ophold i Havn eller
under Kysten af de af det nordlige Atlanterhav og
Ishavet beskyllede Lancle og Øer. søgte man. saavidt
Lejligheden tillod det. at anstille forskjellige Slags Iagttagelser
paa Land. Disse Iagttagelser og deres Resultater har jeg,
forsaavidt de antages at indeholde nye Oplysninger af
Interesse, sammenstillet i de følgende Blade. De medfølgende
Billeder, der samtlige ere udførte efter Originaltegninger,
tagne paa Stedet, ville i mange Henseender give en langt
fuldstændigere Forestilling om Gjenstandene end den
vidtløftigste Beskrivelse.
H, Mohn. Contributions to the
Geography and Natural History
of the Northern Regions of Europe,
derived from observations made on the Norwegian
North-Atlantic Expedition (1876—1878).
With 6 Cliromo-lithographs, 9 Wood Engravings,
and 2 Maps.
The time passed by the Norwegian Expedition on
the coast of such continental tracts and islands as
border upon the North-Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean,
was devoted, circumstances permitting, to the
prosecution of exploratory work on shore. Those of the
observations. and their results, that are fraught, it is
presumed. with new and interesting data, have been set forth in
the following pages. The accompanying illustrations, all of
which are from sketches taken on the spot, will convey, in
many respects, a much livelier impression of the natural
objects they represent than any mere verbal description,
however graphic and precise.
I. Vestmanna-Øerne.
Fra Reden udenfor Havnen, hvor "Vöringen"’ laa fra
den 22de til den 26de Juli 1876, ser man mod Nord
Heima-Øens højeste Fjeld. Hehnaklettur, og mod Nordost
Forbjerget YstiJclettur. Det er dette sidste, vi se paa
Billedet, til hvilket Maleren, Hr. Schiertz, har benyttet sin
fortrinlige, paa Stedet tagne Farve-Skitse. De vulkanske
Bergarters Forvitringsformer i dette fugtige Klima
illustreres ud merket vel paa dette Billede. Ystikleüurs stejle
Vægge med sine smale Afsatser gjør det til et Fugleberg,
hvor den hvide fra Fuglene hidrørende Farve smukt vexler
med den naturlige brune, og oventil ser man paa mindre
og større Partier den for Nordvest-Europas Ølande
ejendommelige saftige grønne Farve af Græsset. Ved Klettens
Den norske Nordbavsexpedition. H. Mohn: Geografi.
I. The Vestmanna Islands.
From the roadstead, without the harbour, where the
"Vøringen" lay at anchor from the 22nd to the 26th of
July 1876. is seen, looking north. Heima Island’s loftiest
summit. Hehnaklettur, and north-east. Cape Ystiklettw. It
is the latter we have depicted in the plate, for the original
of which Mr. Schiertz. artist to the Expedition, made good
use of his admirable water-colour sketches, taken on the
spot. The rugged forms assumed in this humid climate by
the disintegrated volcanic rocks are faithfully rendered.
Ystiklettur, with its precipitous walls and long, narrow
ledges, exhibits the salient features of a fowling-cliff. where
the white colour characteristic of bird-haunts is picturesquely
blent with the natural brown of the rock; and here and
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