- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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som nordenfor findes betydelig større Dyb paa indtil over
2000 Favne (3658 Meter). Østhavet, det vil sige Havet
østenfor en Linie fra Spitsbergen til det nordlige Norge,
er overalt meget grundt, da Dybden der paa faa Steder
overskrider 200 Favne (366 Meter).

De talrige udførte Teniperaturobservationer vise, at
’ Vandet i den af Expeditionen undersøgte Del af Østhavet
med Undtagelse af den østligste og nordligste Strækning
holder Varmegrader ligefra Overfladen til Bunden, saaledes
som dette ogsaa er Tilfælde med Vandet paa de norske
Banker, som paa enkelte Steder strækker sig ud til en
ikke ubetydelig Afstand fra Kysten. Helt anderledes er
Forholdet i det vestenfor liggende dybere Hav, som med
Hensyn paa Temperaturforholdene naturlig kan inddeles i
2 Hovedstrøg, den i den østlige Del nordover gaaende
saakaldte Golfstrøm og den i den vestlige Del sydover gaaende
østgrønlandske Polarstrøm. Grændsen mellem disse gaar
nordenom Island op til Jan Mayen, bøier i en Bue
søndenom og østenom denne og overskrider paa omkring 3" vestlig
Længde med nordostlig Retning den 71de Breddegrad.
Herfra gaar den mod Øst til henimod 70 østlig Længde og
fortsætter derfra i nordlig og lidt vestlig Retning til
nordenom den 80de Breddegrad.

I den østenfor denne Grændse beliggende Del af
Havet besidder Overfladevandet en forholdsvis høi
Temperatur, der endog overskrider Luftens midt om Sommeren,
hvorhos ogsaa Vandet i de nærmest under Overfladen
beliggende Lag holder Varmegrader, saaledes at 0" først
forefindes i et Dyb af omkring 500 Favne (914 Meter),
hvorfra Temperaturen jevnt og langsomt synker til omkring
—1.°3 ved Havbunden.

I den østgrønlandske Koldvandsstrøm er derimod
Temperaturen i selve Overfladen meget lav men om Sommeren
i isfrit Vand dog overalt over 0°, medens den allerede fra
faa Favnes t)yb og nedover lige til Bunden holder sig’
under 0

Med Hensyn paa Saltgehalten i Overfladevandet
henvises til Kartet No. I, hvori findes indtegnet en større
Del af de Tal, der fremgaa som Middel af.de efter
Chlor-. og Egenvægtsbestenimelserne beregnede Værdier for
Saltmængden. Efter disse Observationer findes ogsaa
optrukket Grændserne for 3.55, 3.50, 3.45 og 3.40 °/u Salt,
saaledes som deres Form maa antages at være i
Sommermaa-nederne. Kartet viser, at den i Syd ind i det norske Hav
strømmende Varmvandsstrøm fører Vand af temmelig stor
Saltgehalt, som i de sydligste Egne paa begge Sider af
Færøerne gaar op til 3.55 u 0 eller endog derover. Herfra
gaar Strømmen videre i nordostlig Retning med noget
lavere Saltgehalt (omkring 3.525 °/0) indtil henimod Beeren
Eiland, hvor den deler sig og sender en Arni mod Øst ind
i Østhavet og en anden i nordlig og noget vestlig Retning

land and Jan Mayen there is a vast ridge, and liere the
depth does not reach 1500 fathoms (2743 metres); but
south and north of that ridge it is much greater, in some
localities more than 2000 fathoms (3658 metres). Barents’
Sea, or the tract of ocean stretching between Novaja
Zemlja and an imaginary line drawn from Spitzbergen
to the northern extremity of Norway, is everywhere
exceedingly shallow, the depth in but few places reaching above
200 fathoms (366 metres).

The’ extensive series of observations shows that the
temperature of the water throughout the part of Barents’
Sea investigated by the Expedition, saving the most easterly
and northerly tracts, exhibits everywhere a temperature above
zero, from the surface to the bottom, as is also the case
with the water on the great Norwegian banks, which, in
certain localities, extend to a considerable distance from the
coast. A very different relation rules in the deep western
section, which, as regards temperature, may be divided into
two principal tracts, an eastern, with the Gulf Stream, as
it is called, flowing north, and a western, with the Arctic
current, flowing south, along the shores of East Greenland.
The boundary-line between these two currents extends
north of Iceland to the island of Jan Mayen, where it
makes a bend southward and eastward, crossing, in
longitude about 3° W.. with a north-easterly direction, the 71st
parallel of latitude. From thence it runs east, and, when
in longitude about 7" E.. takes a northerly, and somewhat
westerly direction, continuing on past the 80th parallel of

In the tract of ocean stretching to the east of this
boundary, the temperature of the surface-water is
comparatively high, exceeding even that of the atmosphere in the
middle of summer; the water, too. some distance below the
surface exhibits a temperature • above zero, the depth at
which 0° is reached being about 500 fathoms (914 metres),
from which the temperature sinks slowly and gradually to
about —1.°3, at the bottom.

In the cold East Greenland current, the temperature
at the surface is on the other hand exceedingly low, though
in summer above zero where the water is free from ice;
0° however is reached at the depth of a few fathoms.

As regards the amount of salt in the surface-water,
the reader is referred to Plate I, in which will be found
most of the figures representing the mean values, deduced
from the chlorine and specific gravity-determinations, for
the proportion of salt. In Pl. 1, too, are laid, down curves
constructed from these results, to show the limits of
distribution for the following percentages ol’ salt: 3.55, 3.50.
3.45, and 3.40, as they may be assumed to extend in the
summer months. The warm current, flowing from the south
into the Norwegian Sea, brings with it, as shown by the
Plate, an indraught of water containing a comparatively large
amount of salt, the maximum percentage, upwards of 3.55,
being reached in the most southerly tracts, along the eastern
and western shores of the Feröe Islands. From thence,
with a slightly reduced amount of sa.lt (about 3.525), the

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