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The prefectoral or county prisons where those sentenced to
imprisonment (generally solitary) are confined, belong to the
counties and are maintained by them under the superintendence
of the general administration of the prisons subject to the control
of the minister of justice.
A total reform in penitentiary matters is being prepared with
the innovations that have already been discussed when mentioning
the penal code.
On May 2nd, 1894, an act was passed for conditional
sentences. If there are extenuating circumstances, the tribunal which
passes the sentence of imprisonment or fine can order a suspension
of its execution. This suspension can be revoked if the condemned,
within three years after the sentence, is prosecuted and found
guilty of a new offence punishable by imprisonment, loss of civil
rights, or a severer punishment.
Nordisk Retsencyklopædi. Fasc. 1—5, 9, 10, 12 and 13. Kjøbenhavn. 1878—82,
A. Færden. Almenfattelig Udsigt over Norges almindelige borgerlige Love.
T. 1—3. Kristiania. 1896—99.
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