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Financial years Revenue kr. Expenditure kr.
1880—1886, on an average .................... 44,865,846 43,402,789
1885—1800,  » »         » .................... 45,539,337 44,190,225
1890—1895,  » »         » .................... 56,539,039 57,835,616
1895—1896 .................................. 71,932,505 69,162,731
1896—1897 .................................. 69,047,140 76,729,918
1897—1898 ................. 80,065,304 78,531,426

Here, besides the regular revenue and expenditure are also
included such as are considered extraordinary. On the income side
are entered under this heading the receipts obtained by state loans,
which, during the financial years of 1880—1898, amounted to
kr, 61,228,678, as well as the contributions of the several districts to
the building of railways, which during the same period amounted
to kr. 5,009,126. Among extraordinary disbursements is included
in the first place expenditure for the building of railways, and the
laying of telegraph and telephone lines, as far as they are met by
sums obtained by means of public loans or district contributions; and
these expenses in the years 1880 to 1898 amounted to kr. 42,201,289.
There are furthermore sums voted since the year 1890 for
extraordinary [[** sjk om bindestrek beholdes]] measures relating to the defences of the country, in order
to place the latter on a footing compatible with modem requirements,
for which purpose there have been spent kr. 26,931,137 up to the
year 1898. These disbursements have partly been met by money
obtained by public loans, partly by a temporary increase of the income
tax and partly by other regular revenue. To this must be added
certain special disbursements, and finally the money employed to
acquire state assets. The latter, as a matter of fact, do not represent
a real expenditure for the Treasury, but a transfer of state property.

By deducting all these amounts we obtain the ordinary
revenue and expenditure of the state, which were:
Financial years Revenue kr. Expenditure kr.
1880—1885, on an average .................... 40,484,157 39,734,900
1885—1890,  » »         » .................... 45,197,901 43,823,040
1890—1895,  » »         » .................... 52,487,973 52,541,339
1895—1896 .................................. 58,445,529 59,396,469
1896—1897 .................................. 65,128,500 62,737,726
1897—1898 .................................. 75,101,562 67,317,877

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