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The ordinary public revenue can he divided, according to its
nature, into the following chief groups, which, during the financial
year 1897—1898, yielded the following amounts:
1. Taxes .............. kr. 46,911,653
2. Receipts from crown-land ....... » 1,257,974
3. Receipts from the assets of the Treasury . . » 3,322,600
4. Receipts from various special funds and
contributions for state purposes ......
» 2,337,462
5. Receipts from means of communication . . » 17,011,443
6. Receipts obtained in the other branches of
state administration .........
» 3,576,231
7. Sundry and casual receipts ....... » 684,199
Total . . . kr. 75,101,562

It will be seen, that the taxes still represent the chief source
of income to the Treasury. They amounted to rather more than
62 % of the aggregate gross income, and to about 87 % the
revenue calculated at its net amount. Every individual of the
population at the end of 1897 was charged with a tax of kr. 21.97;
kr. 5,285,938 of the aggregate amount of the tax were produced
by direct, and kr. 41,626,715 by indirect taxation.

Under the heading of the direct taxes are reckoned three,
namely: taxes on foreign commercial travellers, which in the year
1897—1898 yielded kr. 174,860, and the legacy duty, which is a
charge of from 6 to 8 % on all inheritances falling to others than
the wife, descendants or parents of the deceased, and which, in
the same year, amounted to kr. 709,940, and finally the income tax.
This tax was introduced in 1892, and was originally levied at the
rate of 2 ⅔ % on income from property, and 2 % on other income,
A certain progression has since been introduced in this taxation,
so that a tax of 2 % is now paid on incomes of up to kr. 4,000,
3 % from kr. 4,000 up to kr. 7,000, 4 % from kr. 7,000 up to
kr. 10,000, and 5 % on incomes above kr. 10,000, and ⅓ pro mille
on personal property. Incomes of less than kr. 1,000 are not
subject to taxation, and of incomes subject to taxation an amount
is exempted which, according to the number of persons that the
tax payer is obliged to support, varies between kr. 600 and kr. 1,800.
Nobody is compelled to give information about his own income or
property; the tax is assessed on the persons subject to taxation by

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