- Project Runeberg -  Palme-nytt-boken / 2001 /

(1993-2001) Author: Sven Anér
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Note: This work was first published in 1993, less than 70 years ago. Sven Anér died in 2018, less than 70 years ago. Therefore, this work is protected by copyright, restricting your legal rights to reproduce it. However, you are welcome to view it on screen, as you do now. Read more about copyright.

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Below is the raw OCR text from the above scanned image. Do you see an error? Proofread the page now!
Här nedan syns maskintolkade texten från faksimilbilden ovan. Ser du något fel? Korrekturläs sidan nu!

This page has been proofread at least once. (diff) (history)
Denna sida har korrekturlästs minst en gång. (skillnad) (historik)

Nr 6 - det som inte står i tidningen! 18.6.2001

Svara, svenska medier:
Varför lämnar ni


åt hennes mörka öde?
Svara, då PALME-ny tts
läsare ringer!

Förklara denna
tystnadens komplott!

Leif GW och Guillou tassar
tyst kring Palmemordet och

en länspolismästare!


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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 14:26:39 2023 (aronsson) (diff) (history) (download) << Previous Next >>

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