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(1914) [MARC] Author: Olof Hammarsten Translator: John Alfred Mandel With: Gustaf Hedin - Tema: Chemistry
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may be digested by the " psychical " secretion, and then perhaps cause
a chemical secretion by their decomposition products.
The secretion in the stomach may also be influenced by the small
intestine, and in this way, as shown by the investigations of Pawlow
and his pupils, the fats have a retarding action upon the secretion of
juice and upon digestion by acting reflexly upon the duodenal mucosa.
In dogs on feeding fat (oil) with food containing starch, the secretion of
gastric juice remains reduced during the entire period of feeding, and
Cat in connection with protein food has a similar action, with the excep-
tion that in this case the retarding action is observed only in the first
hours of digestion. According to Piontkowski x
the oil-soaps differ from
the neutral fats by having a strong action on the flow of juice, and this
is the reason why about five to six hours after a meal with fat the secre-
tion of juice is stopped, as just at this time the soaps are being formed.
According to Frouin the food in the intestine produces a secretion of
gastric juice which continues after the action of the psychic moment
has ceased. Lecoxte - arrived at similar results, and he ascribes a less
subordinate importance to the chemical secretion as compared with the
psychic secretion, than Pawlow does.
The behavior of the different parts of the stomach in secretion is
also of interest. The work of Pawlow and his pupils Gross and
Krshyschkowsky, has shown that meat and its extractives as well as
the digestion products and milk especially act upon the pyloric partr
although not entirely, while they are inactive upon the fundus. Alcohol
also acts upon the fundus part. Popielski 3
found that meat extracts
had an exciting action upon the secretion of gastric juice, even when intro-
duced subcutaneously. In close relation to what has been said above
stands the observation of Edkins that the pylorus part of the stomach
contains a substance, a prosecreti?i, which by acids and certain other
substances is transformed into a secretin, which when introduced into
the blood circulation causes a secretion of gastric juice. Hemmeter,
claims that a secretin for the secretion of gastric juice is also produced
in the salivary glands. The extirpation of all the salivary glands in
dogs causes a marked diminution in the secretion of gastric juice, while
the intravenous or peritioneal injection of an extract of the salivary
glands of dogs produces a secretion of gastric juice. Emsmann 4
also obtained bodies having a similar action, from the mucosa of the
See Biochem. Centralbl., 3, 660.
Frouin, Compt. rend. soe. biol., 53; Leconte, La Cellule, 17.
Gross, Bioch. Centralbl., 5, 669; Krshyschkowsky, Maly’s Jahresb., 36, 403;
Popielski, ibid.. 39.
* Edkins, Journ. of Physiol., 34; Hemmeter, Bioch. Zeitschr., 11; Emsmannr
Intern. Beitr. zu. Path. u. Ther. d. Ernahrungs storungen 3 (1911).

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