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122 Harald Wieselgren,

(Mr Goldsmith) some where in Germany and, at times, in England.
The worst is, that Swedens greatest literary celebrities — Geijer,
Wallin, Franzén, Tegnér, Atterbom &c. &c are dead. You can get
materials, ample enough, anyhow, for their Biographies, and their
likenesses, too, if You apply to certain people in Stockholm or in
Upsala. J would advice You, for this purpose, to write to Mr Carl
Bonnier in Stockholm, one of the principal booksellers and
Stationers in that city. You ought to be acquainted with hirn, at any
råte, ön account of your forthcoming Work, when You want to
have it sold or distributed in Sweden.

Hereby I send You my Garte de Visite, as You wished; and
wich the artist forwarded to me some days ago. It is my
travel-ling-costoüme; as I have been a Traveller almost in all my life,
and am so still yet. The Hat is a military Hat; but I wear it now,
because there is a certain anecdote attached to it, winch makes it
dear to me.

Trusting, that my lines may not displease You, I will tell the
event in few words. During the last Rebelinvasion in Pennsylvania,
I rushed, like so many thousand other Unionmen, to the battlefields
or the neighborhood of them. I am not engaged in the United
States army, but I had many acquaintances there; and when the
great 3-days battle at Gettysburg went ön. I was close by, although
in the beginning not in the very struggle — as a civilian. In one
of the hottest melées I saw one of my best friends dröp down, badly
wounded. I ran to him, saw him die, and was pretty near to be
cut in pieces myself; but, fortunately perhaps, instead of having my
head cut öff, I only löst my hat, which the blast took in a minut
and carried away, I don’t know where. In the same, seeing my
friend deceased, I grasped Ms Hat, covering so my own senil and
my bushy hairs flying for the wind in every direction. From this
moment I have kept tMs very Hat as a »Souvenir» of my deseased
friend, and in the same time as a little piece of memorial from the
fields where our noble victory at Gettysburg was fought and won.

I don’t know, Sir, whether You like, or not, the position and
situation1 I .am put in, ön the photographic sketch; but, at any

råte, I send it as it is.

Yours respectfully

C J. L. Almqvist.

1 Situation and Appearance — my mind under the photographying being
impressed and influenced by the strong recollection and remembrance of the

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