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Cold Drawing Shop and Pickling Works, Storfors.
This state of affairs lasted until 1860 and, in 1870, the enterprise was finally turned
into a Limited Company in the modern sense of the word.
It would be too great a task to follow in detail the development of the
Uddeholm Works and would also be outside the scope of this article. . Here we need only
note one or two facts. Special mention may be made of the great development which
the Works experienced under the management of Jonas Waern, in the middle of the
nineteenth century. The Munkfors Works were then added, and the production was
increased by the erection of new buildings and the carrying out of reforms, especially
when the laws prohibiting free trade in pig-iron were abolished in 1846. Shares in
other mines were added to the old ones, and the Company became safeguarded
practically for ever as regards its supply of ores and forests.
The question of communications was solved by building a canal in the " f if ties"
of last century, and later on, in the " seventies," a railway 42 miles in length
was finally constructed. This railway has afterwards been extended several times,
so that the Uddeholm Works have been placed in more direct connection with the
other communication systems of the country.
It may also be noted, with regard to the Company’s development, that the share
majority in the Storfors Works Co., Ltd., was acquired in 1908. This brought the
Storfors and Nykroppa Works under Uddeholm management.
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