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Hot Rolling Tube Mills, Storfors.
The Uddeholm Works have played an important part in the technical development
of the Swedish iron industry as a whole, and the leaders of the enterprise have always
had a keen eye for the importance of taking the greatest possible advantage, in practice,
of the results of scientific research. Several examples could be given of Uddeholm
having directly or indirectly co-operated in solving important technical problems. We
need only mention here the trials at Munkfors of the Siemens-Martin process and
different gasproducers, and the active part played in solving the problem of the
electrical blast furnace.
The Company’s business during the last few years has been characterised by arduous
work in modernizing and reconstructing the different departments, in conjunction with
a far-reaching electrification of the Works. Large power-stations have been built out in
the river Klarälven and its tributaries, which, at present, supply a total of about 50,000
HP., at prices which make it possible to use the power on a large scale for heating purposes
even at low prices for fuel. One can, therefore, easily understand that the Uddeholm
works must necessarily become one of the pioneers in electro-metallurgy, and we need
only mention here that Uddeholm is the largest producer in Sweden of electric pig-iron,
no fewer than 5 electric blast-furnaces of 2,500 to 4,000 kw. each having been
constructed at the Hagfors Iron-works during the last few years.
In connection with the reconstructions and modernizations, a comprehensive
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