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scientific control of the manufactures has been introduced, and the Company’s
laboratories for this purpose represent the high water mark of modern development.
Among the Company’s other manufactures the wood products play a dominating
part. These industries have been centralized during the last few years, the pulp
industry having been transferred from several sulphate- and sulphite factories to
Skoghall, on Lake Venern. Not only have up-to-date factories with scientific
laboratories been erected, but works have been added for utilizing the by-products of
different kinds.
Finally we may mention the great efforts made during the last few years to improve
the workmen’s
conditions of living, the
workmen’s dwellings
satisfying very great
demands as regards
comfort and
convenience. The "garden city"
movement, too, has been
warmly supported by
the Company.
In the following
sections we shall give a
short account of the
Company’s various works
and manufactures, etc.
Hagfors is one of the largest and most modern steel works in Sweden. It comprises
5 electric and 2 blast-furnaces, 2 electric furnaces for the manufacture of ferro-manganese,
1 electric steel furnace, 4 Siemens-Martin furnaces, 2 Bessemer converters, ingot-,
universal-, strip-, merchant-, and wire rolling mills, a steam-hammer forge, a foundry, a
machine shop and a screw factory. The latter was erected in 1884, but has since been
extended several times. Its production is not only sufficient to cover Sweden’s annual
requirements, but also leaves a considerable surplus for export.
To Munkfors is entrusted the making of cold-rolled iron and steel, of which goods
these Works are one of the largest makers in Sweden. Their products are of the highest
quality, and are exported on a large scale to all countries of the world, and are used for
Open Hearth and Blast Furnaces, Nykroppa.
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