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General view.
THIS Company carries on mining and lumbering, the manufacture of iron and steel,
machinery and spare parts for mines and concentration works, as well as of rollers
and machine castings.
The centre of the Company’s activity is the Guldsmedshytte Iron Works and the
Gullblanka Mine, situated about 6 miles north-west of the former place. The Company
is also the owner of a number of other mines.
If Stockholm and Christiania be connected on the map by a straight line,
Guldsmedshyttan is about 20 miles east of the central point on that line. The place,
therefore, is located in the south-western part of the large mining district of so-called
"Central" Sweden, popularly called "Bergslagen".
Guldsmedshyttan is connected by a 21/2 mile normal gauge railway with Stora
station, on the Frövi-Ludvika railway. The first named line is the property of the
Guldsmedshyttan Company. Goods intended for export is sent via Köping, Oxelösund,
Stockholm or Gothenburg, the respective distances to these places being 53, 133, 142
and 216 miles.
The Guldsmedshytte Company owns a number of mines. Analyses of the ores
from some of these are given in the table below. The figures show the percentages.
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