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- Aktiebolaget Bofors
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Furnace and Siemens-Martin foundry.
mill at Björkborn. In the years immediately after his death heavy machine-tools were
procured, by means of which the maximum dimension of the guns made was increased
from 15 cm (6 in.) to 30.5 cm (12 inches).
Some time after this the steel foundries were reconstructed, so that it became
possible to cast pieces weighing 65 tons.
In 1910 a pressing departement was built for heavy projectiles up to 30.5 cm, and the projectile department was extended in other respects too.
In 1912 a shop was built for the cementation and treatment of armoured plate. At present, plates 120 mm (5 in.) thick, 2,800 mm (112 in.) wide
and 4-6 metres (13-19 ft.) long can be produced. The dimensions are determined by the
rolling weight of the ingots which, at present, must not
exceed 13 to 13½ tons.
During the late war Bofors
Hall’s Anchors.
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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