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- Aktiebolaget Bofors
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28 cm. (11 inch.) Gun.
and it is practically certain that the reason for mistrust of cast guns, on the part of large foreign gun factories, is due to their want of knowledge of the proper method of
manufacturing the steel of the correct method of casting and the after-treatment of the metal.
A man who may be said to have revolutionized the production of munitions and
who developed Bofors on modern lines was Arent Silversparre, superintendent engineer.
In 1892 he constructed the first Bofors quick-firing gun, a 12 cm naval gun. Its
capacity for quick-firing was rendered possible chiefly by the transition from the old type of carriage, in which the gun as well as the carriage recoils, to an entirely new
construction with the gun resting in a recoil-mantle, and by the introduction of a liquid brake for the recoil. To this was added his ingenious invention of the ogival screw, which made it possible to open and close the breech-piece in a considerably shorter time than by
the use of the cylindrical screw.
In 1894 all the shares of the Company were taken over by Dr. Alfred Nobel, known all over the world for his grand donation, called the Nobel Foundation. He died soon after (in 1896) and the shares were then transferred into a number of hands. During Nobel’s short regime the works were still further extended by the erection of a powder-
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