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- Aktiebolaget Bofors
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76.2 mm. (3 inch.) air defence gun.
The, press houses for projectiles. There are two of these, one for large and one for small projectiles. The first-mentioned contains heating-furnaces for the largest
projectiles, a vertical press of 750 tons, and a horizontal drawing press of 350 tons. The
second contains 2 pairs of small, up to date, hydraulic projectile presses, for the
manufacture of projectiles up to a calibre of 15 cms.
The inspection-shop is roomy and bright. Guns of the largest dimensions can be
inspected in it.
Before concluding our description of the munition workshops, we may mention
the splendid testing ranges which the Works possess and which form an important
link in the chain of business. These ranges are not far from the factories proper
and are connected with them by a railway line. They have several cranes for
manoeuvring the guns and there are also various arrangements for erecting armourplates for
testing both the plates and the projectiles. All preparatory firing-tests, even with the
largest guns, can take place here without difficulty and in perfect safety.
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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