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- Aktiebolaget Bofors
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28 cm. (11 inch.) Gun in Erecting shop.
ment of the gun material, carriages and projectiles takes place here, for which reason
there are a number of lathes, drills and rifling machines, punching and cutting
machines, &c. Guns can be made up to 30.5 cm calibre and 50 calibre lengths.
The Hardening-house and Hardening-tower. The latter consists of a 75 ton electric
crane, resting on 4 masonry walls, 22 metres high. Below the crane there is a cylindric
gas furnace for heating the largest gun-ingots, a large hardening cistern 18 metres deep,
made of concrete and filled with oil, and further a well, 10 metres deep, for mantling
or coating guns.
In the hardening-house and the new press-house there are also 3 hardening cisterns
for small gun-ingots, projectiles, armour-plates, armour shields, &c. All four
hardening cisterns, containing altogether about 180,000 litres (22,250 gallons) of oil, are connected with each other by a system of pipes, and when large ingots are being
hardened the oil is kept circulating between the cisterns by means of a pump.
The hardening-house also contains gas furnaces for heating the ingots, a well for
coating guns and a hydraulic press of 1,000 tons. This is used for adjusting
armour-plates and gun-ingots which have warped, and for bending armour-plates.
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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