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The financial
consolidation of the Company
has been gradually
improved during the past 24
years, to such an extent
that the share capital has
been increased to ten
times the original amount,
while a number of new
buildings, and extensions
of these, have been erected.
The chief of these are:
The reconstruction of
the blast furnaces, which
have been fitted with
powerful blowing machines
and effective heating
apparatus, &c.
The rational use of the water-power and the partial introduction of electric
New repair shops, with up-to-date foundries, and spring and nail factories.
Extension of the Siemens-Martin works.
A large, powerful heavy-plate rolling mill, which also permits the rolling of armour
plate, with accompanying heavy universal mill and plate mill.
An improvement of the transport arrangements, so as to connect the Works
directly to the State Railways as well as to the Nora Bergslags Railway.
The purchase of the Trollhättan Electric Blast Furnace, and its enlargement by
an additional furnace.
The erection of a large number of dwelling-houses for the staff and workmen.
Besides this there is being erected a large Siemens-Marti n works, as well as a
modern and powerful heavy mill.
Since 1895 the Managing Director of the Works has been Mr. Ernst Odelberg.
One of the foundations of the Company’s famous steel manufacture are the
world-famed ores from the ancient mining-field of Persberg, of which the Company is part
Pressed end plates for marine boiler with double combustion chamber.
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