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Bar-iron Mill.................... 5,500
Rod-iron Mill.................... 10,000
Heavy Plate Rolling Mill .............. 20,000
Sheet Rolling Mill.................. 4,000
Springs....................... 800
Nails........................ 800
This is equipped in the most up-to-date manner, thereby making possible an
effective scientific control of all parts of the output. The tests do not consist simply of
chemical analyses and of mechanical tests of tenacity, which are usual at all Swedish
ironworks, but also of metallographic examinations and electric tests. These last-mentioned
have been worked out at Degerfors by B. D, Enlund, the Company’s chemist, and have
been adopted at many other works in Sweden. Enlund’s electrical steel-testing method
has also been adopted at the Siemens-Martin works since 1911, in order to check the
percentage of carbon in the metal immediately before tapping it. The determination
takes 2 minutes altogether, and the classification of the steel is also made in accordance
with this method.
The Company’s share capital amounts at present to 9,000,000 kronor. The
reserve and other funds amount to 1,600,000 kronor. The value of the annual
production is about 20,000,000 kronor.
Telegrams: Degerforsverket, Karlskoga, Sweden. Post and Goods address:
Degerfors, Sweden.
The Company’s trade marks usually employed for its makes of iron and steel
are shown below. They have long enjoyed a well-earned reputation both within and
outside the boundaries of Sweden.
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