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THE MILLS are situated at Smedjebacken Railway- and Steamboat station. Postal
address: Smedjebacken, Sweden; Telegrams: Valsverket, Smedjebacken, Sweden.
The Works were erected in 1855, and consisted at first of rough and medium works
with two welding furnaces. A merchant mill was added in 1863. In 1896 the first
Siemens-Martin furnace was constructed, first for 8 tons, but it was afterwards altered to 15 tons.
In 1911 a second furnace of 16 tons was started. A third Siemens-Martin furnace of 30
tons has lately been built.
A steel foundry was constructed in connection with the Siemens-Martin works, and
was entirely rebuilt in 1916-1917. Goods of all sizes to 30 tons weight are now
manufactured here.
The greater part of the rolling mill was reconstructed in 1898-1899. A modern
merchant and wire rolling mill electrically driven was erected in 1906, and a new
blooming mill in 1918-1919. The rolling mills now consist of:
one 30" three high blooming mill with movable lifting tables,
» combined 24" rough and universal mill,
» 14" medium and universal mill,
» 10’’ small section mill, especially for wire- and hoop-iron rolling,
» 16" mill for broad hoops.
In its present form, the establishment can produce 35,000 tons of steel annually,
with a corresponding quantity of rolled products and steel castings. The Works’ high
grade soft material is a substitute for the best Lancashire iron, and, just in consequence
of this, finds a largejnarket.j
The chief stamps used by the Works on its iron and steel products are:
The share capital is 2,000,000 kronor in shares of 5,000 kronor each.
The Company also owns farms and forests.
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