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The Iron and Steel Works at Kohlswa.
It is not known exactly when the Kohlswa Works were established. It may be
considered certain, however, that the manufacture of iron was carried on at this place
as early as the 16th century. The first definite date in the history of the Works is
1641, when Olov Hising, mayor of the town of Köping, received a licence for a forge
at Kohlswa, which he had bought that year from Kirstin, the widow of a man
named Peder Abraham.
Most probably the Works at first developed slowly, and the name was far more
famous for the extensive hunting grounds than for the iron. Kohlswa was, for example,
visited several times by Charles XI, who used to hunt there, the first time on February
3rd, 1680.
The Works were acquired in 1678 by the founder of the noble family of
Gyl-lenhöök and afterwards belonged to the progenitor of the Cedercreutz family.
In 1725 they came into the possession of Mrs. Tersmeden, a widow who managed
them splendidly for forty years. In 1790 the Works were divided into twTo lots, East
and West Kohlswa, with their forges on either side of the river. This detrimental state
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