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Chain Factory.
the main northern line of the State Railway system, via the Orsa-Bollnäs Line, which
is rented by the State.
Of the Works belonging to the Company, Sörljusne is the oldest. The Royal Board
of Mines granted a licence on November 30th. 1671, for the erection of a blast-furnace
and the requisite number of forges at Ljusne. In 1684 it was resolved to build a
blastfurnace and a forge at Sunnäs. In 1692 permission was obtained for the removal of two
forges from Ljusne to Gullgruvan, and, in 1730, the Royal Board allowed the
transference of two forges and a bar-iron mill from Ljusne to Maråker. Thus arose the old
"Ljusne Works", as they were called-Gullgruva, Sunnäs and Ljusne, which were
afterwards named Sörljusne. The present Sörljusne Works were erected at the
beginning of the "seventies," but the old ones still stand as a memorial.
Woxna dates its origin from 1726, when assessor Anders Svab received a licence to
build a blast furnace and an iron mill with two forges, where the Selm falls into the river
Woxna. The Works were granted a free-hold in 1754 for 4 forges and the farms
attached to the estate, and a dispensation from payment of all farm-taxes for a period of
fifty years. This dispensation terminated in 1804, when the then owner, a Mr. Miiller,
compounded for a tax of 20 bushels of grain as the annual tithe to be paid to the
Academy of Upsala. Mr. William H. Kempe, the founder of the great Ljusne
Works, became owner of the old Woxna Works in the middle of the nineteenth
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