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Charcoal Furnaces.
Finally, as regards Norrlfusne, established between 1850 and 1860, saw-milling
was the only industry here until 1873. Probably stimulated by the high prices of iron
which ruled after the Franco-German War, the owners of the Ljusne saw-mill erected
at Norrljusne a blast furnace in 1873-1874 and a new machine-shop in 1876.
The Ljusne-Woxna Co., Ltd., inclusive of Norrljusne and Woxna with their
ironworks and saw-mills, was formed in 1881, Sörljusne, Maråker, Gullgruva and Sunnäs
being purchased in 1886. The manufacturing at the three places last mentioned has
now been transferred to Sörljusne.
Fresh progress was made after the formation of this large Company. In 1882-1883,
for example, there were built a Lancashire forge, a welding-furnace and a rolling mill.
In 1883-1884 the chain factory at Furudal was transferred to Norrljusne. This factory
is one of the oldest of its kind in the world, the manufacturing of chains having been
carried on there since 1757. In 1902-1903 this branch was extended, and
water-gasworks of the Dellwik system were erected to meet its requirements. This, however,
was exchanged in 1914 and 1918 for electric chain forging according to the von
Eckermann method. A wire-drawing mill was equally erected. The Lancashire forge at
Sörljusne was rebuilt and extended in 1912, when another rough bar rolling mill was built,
as well as an electric power station. In 1914 two more forges were constructed and, in
1920, the blast-furnace was altered to a height of 20 metres, now being the largest
charcoal furnace in Sweden, if not in Europe. In connection with a new saw-mill at
Norrljusne, a gas power-station of 2,400 HP was erected in 1915 for the utilization of the
waste from the saw-mill and the gases from the blast-furnaces. Another electro-steel
furnace was built in the same year. In 1916 the wood-destilling factory, the foundry
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