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Interior of Foundry.
and the workshops were enlarged, and in the following year a
new boiler-house and factory for the manufacture of
lubricating oil were built.
In the "fifties" of last century, the Ljusne Works, with
their large estates, were owned by Wilh. Röhss and Wilh.
H. Kempe, the latter becoming sole proprietor previous to
his death in 1883. It is W. H. Kempe who is really to be
considered as the far-seeing founder of these Works.
Owing to the sale of the majority of the shares on
November 1st, 1919, the Company altered its name to
Aktiebolaget Ljusne-Woxna Intressenter, and went into liquidation
for the purpose of transfer. A new Company was then
formed on November 15th of the same year by the minority
of the old shareholders and was called Ljusne-Woxna Aktiebolag. The new Company
took over the business of the old one, but part of the old firm’s forests were not included
in the transaction. In spite of this, the new Company owns about 75,000 hectares
(185,000 acres) of forests, belonging to the Ljusne and the Woxna Works, and is,
therefore, still one of the Swedish iron-works best supplied with forests.
The most famous of the iron ore-fields in which the Company has shares is
Danne-mora. Its ore is known and esteemed all over the world. In addition, the Company
is sole owner of the Ramhäll iron-field, which supplies calciferous ores and lies in the
Dannemora ore-belt, about 50 miles to the north of Stockholm. The Company also
owns shares in the well-known Norberg and Grängesberg fields, and a large part of
the Westanfors field which lies somewhat to the south of Norberg.
Analyses of the ores will be found below.
The figures indicate percentages.
Dannemora Ramhäii Westanfors
Central held
Fe203 ! - - 60-50
Fe3O4 68-03 63’80 1T50 i
Fe O 2’56 T67 - i
MnO j 2-3 2*70 0’30
MgO I 7*6 3-37 2*78
CaO 4-7 13-40 0*60 |
A12O3 TO I’OO 0-78 I
SiO2 13-0 6-00 22-30 i
Cu 0-004 O’Ol O’OOS
As I 0-044 - - ’
I Fe 51-25 47’50 50’75
! P traces 0’014 0’019
| S 0-066 0-137 0-009
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