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Interior of engine house at the Bäckegruva Mine. |
works must most probably have been running. A letter of 1646 testifies to the fact
that returns from the copper mine were so poor that it was necessary to have iron works
as well to improve the finances.
During the seventeenth century, the average production of copper at
Riddarhyttan was only ten tons; during the eighteenth century it was double that quantity and,
during the nineteenth, about 40 tons, a year. The iron industry was carried on side by
side with the production of copper until the latter was stopped in 1873. The
production of iron, however, has continued without interruption.
Thomas Hammarsmed was succeeded as lessee, or owner, of the works by
members of the Urbansson, Funk, Brandt, Vretman and Bohnstedt families until the year
1846, when the works became the property of the Ohlson family.
Previous to 1790 a number of small blast-furnaces owned by different gangs of
miners from the parishes of Skinnskatteberg and Ramsberg got their ore from
Riddarhyttan. Records of several disputes show that, very often, it was not easy at that period
to determine the ownership of mines. In 1790, however, an important step was taken
towards laying the foundation of the large possessions of the present Riddarhytte Co.,
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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