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(1920) [MARC] - Tema: Business and Economy, Metals
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Interior from the Bäckegruva Concentration Works.

Ltd, as the owner of the copper works at that time succeeded in obtaining a mining
concession for the best deposits then known in the district. This concession, which is
still in force under the name of the Allodial concession of the Riddarhyttan ore-fields,
covers an area of 450 hectares (1,125 acres) and is, therefore, one of the largest in
Sweden. The mining operations were greatly extended during the Bohnstedt regime and
an extensive system of canals was constructed to supply the mines with power. This
system of canals was completed about 1830 and part of it has been in use up to within
the last few years.

Under the farsighted management of Mr. C. J. Ohlson the works developed very
greatly. Ohlson was a self-made man, who has every right to be considered the actual
founder of this industrial concern in its modern form. He was the son of a poor crofter
and began life by selling tin-tacks and. nails. He gradually advanced to the position
of mining-works constructor in the employment of the Falu Bergslag Company. In
partnership with two others, Ohlson took over Riddarhyttan in 1846, and soon
afterwards became the sole owner. Twenty years later the Works were connected by
rail with Köping. Important forest estates were acquired during Ohlson’s time. Very

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