- Project Runeberg -  Iron and Steel in Sweden /

(1920) [MARC] - Tema: Business and Economy, Metals
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Workmen’s Dwellings at Källfallet.

It will be seen from the above table of analysis that the percentage of phosphorus
in the ore intended for sale is especially low. The percentage of sulphur, on the other
hand, is slightly higher than is usually considered permissible in Sweden when an extra
good quality of charcoal pig-iron is blown. This percentage of sulphur, however, is
of no importance whatever in the production of coke pig-iron. The Riddarhyttan ores
are, therefore, extremely well suited for export.

The cerite ore contains about 50 % of cerite oxides.


The manufacture of pig-iron is carried on at the Riddarhyttan blast-furnace, which
has an annual production of about 10,000 tons.

Lancashire iron is manufactured in six hearths at Gisslarbo. There are also a steam
hammer and rough bar rolling mill here. The production of rough bars, billets and
bar ends amounts to about 5,000 tons annually.

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