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! Pig iron Pig iron Pig iron fc Rough Bars
j No. 1 White No. 2 White Gray Billets, Bar ends
! : i
j C 3’75 3*0 2’20 | O’08-O’lö
P j 0-020-0-025 I 0*020-0-025 j 0’020-0’025 j 0’020
i S | 0-010-0-015 j O’OlC-0’015 l O’OlO-O’Olo 0*005 |
j Si ! 0-20 0-45 j 0’90 | 0’04 I
Mn j 0-20 0-20 0’20 | 0’04 |
! Cu | - - - j 0-004-0-008 j
The iron for export is stamped ( rn\ ). Different stamps are used on the rough
bars for different buyers, namely
The Company owns 20,000 hectares (nearly 50,000 acres) of productive forests.
Quite a considerable part of the charcoal required for the blast-furnaces and Lancashire
forges is, therefore, obtained from the Company’s own woods.
There are a saw-mill with two saw-frames and a planing mill at Riddarhyttan,
and another saw-mill at Gisslarbo.
The sale of sawn timber amounts to 1,200 standards yearly.
The Company has erected power stations at a number of falls formed by
Hedströmmen and the Arboga River. These stations are situated near Riddarhyttan,
Skinn-skatteberg and Gisslarbo; they supply 2,500 electric HP; there is also a reserve of
about 2,000 HP which has not yet been brought into use.
The Company employs 817 workmen, 196 of whom are at Kalifallet, 222 at
Gisslarbo, and 399 employed in other industries.
Much money has been spent within the last ten years in order to improve the social
conditions of the workmen. It may, first of all, be mentioned that the Company has
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