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early as in the 15th century.
Stjernsund Works and
Långshyttan Iron Works
were added at the close of
the 19th century.
Stjernsund Works were
established in 1699 by the
celebrated Swedish inventor,
Kristoffer Polhem, who has
rightly been called "the
Father of Swedish technics."
View of Stjernsund
The Company’s production of iron is, nowadays, carried on exclusively at
Långshyttan, Stjernsund and Fors.
During the last few years, the Iron Works have undergone a thorough
reconstruction, during the course of which a number of new deparments were added. In 1915-16
the Långshyttan- and Stjernsund Works were electrified, the Company employing for
the purpose partly its own power works and partly electric energy from the State Power
Works at Älvkarleby. New blooming mills were built, the blast furnace constructions
were re-built, and a third Siemens-Martin furnace was erected in 1916. Later on,
sintering works for concentrates have been built at Långshyttan and at Fors, besides
which, during the course of the last few years, there has been started at Långshyttan
electric steel smelting. A steel forge, with an hydraulic press, has also been
erected there.
Kloster’s carbon steel enjoys a recognized position in the very first rank on the
international market, and is greatly esteemed both on the Continent, in England and
in the U. S. A. Kloster’s
carbon steel has been
exported to England for
more than a century.
In addition, there is
produced at the Kloster
Works a large number
of steel alloys with
chromium, wolfram, nickel,
molybdenum and
vanadium, or with
combinations of these metals, and
A Charcoal stack burning. it was chiefly with a View
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