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In addition, the Kloster
Company owns
considerable stock in the Norberg
Mines, the Bispberg field,
the Stortägtgruvan and
other ore fields.
Below are figures
showing ore-analyses from the
above-mentioned mines:
View of Fors Works.
Rällingsberg S mältar mossen Bispberg Kolningsberg
Fe O 0’45 315 TOO 5’24
Fe3O4 89’47 83’71 93’67 57’17
MnO 0-33 0-12 0’07 5’28
Ca O 2*07 1-53 0’84 3’27
Mg O 1’08 2’66 0-28 6’10
A12O8 0-71 0*90 0’27 T60
Si O2 5’75 6’41 4’58 7’70
S 0*024 0*032 - -
P2O5 0-002 0-005 0-014 0’007
Loss of ignition________~_____________0’78______________-_____________13*82
Totals 99-886 99’297 100’724 100’187
Fe 65-12 62-98 68’61 45’47
P 0-001 0-002 0-006 0-003
Since 1917, the Kloster
Company has also been
the owner of the
Aktiebolaget Fors Bruk (The
Fors Works Co., Ltd.),
where the manufacture
of pig iron and wood pulp
is carried on, together
with the production of
other wood goods.
Iron manufacture here
is of very ancient date. It
was pursued at Kloster as
A Charcoal stack ready för burning.
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