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Iron....................... 47-3 %
Manganese.................... 0*9 %
Silica......................8-1 %
Sulphur.....................0-015 %
Phosphorus...................0’53 %
consist of the following establishments: blast furnace, foundry, mechanical
workshops and nail- and forging works.
consist of foundry pig iron, wTell known on account of its excellent qualities; merchant
castings; mechanical workshops’ products; nails, agricultural machinery; steam
cylinders, &c. The Company also manufactures röntgen plants.
Erik G:son Odelstierna, the prominent professor at the time, of Metallurgy and
Blast Furnace Processes, at the Royal Technical College, Stockholm, writes (9/5 1917)
of the Åminne pig iron as follows:
"Swedish foundry pig iron, of such a quality as to allow of its replacing the
English now used, is produced at only three places in this country, one of which is
At Åminne, however, there is blown of bog- or lake ore a pig iron for castings
which is still better than the best English pig iron."
Writing on 19/6 1918 to one of the Company’s customers, the same authority
expresses the following opinion respecting ÅmiDne foundry pig iron:
1) " Åminne foundry iron, made of bog- or lake ore, being blown with charcoal and,
compared with foreign conditions, with relatively cold blast, is an uncommonly strong
cast iron and is, therefore, specially suitable for use in the manufacture of all such cast
iron machine parts as will be exposed to great stresses;
2) Being blown of bog- or lake ore exclusively it is much finer grained than foreign
foundry pig iron, and is therefore, specially suitable for art-castings;
3) .As is proved by the tubes in the stoves of the Åminne blast furnace, which it
has not been necessary to replace for, I think I was told, the last 50 years (not since
1867), it possesses an absolutely unique power of resistance to fire.
These, in my opinion, are its chief characteristics, and they should be able to gain»
for it a very large market".
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