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Below are given certain analyses of Åminne pig iron, carried out in August 1919,
by the Material Testing Department of the Royal Technical College:
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
Graphite............ 3’05 3’08 2*63 2’ 79
Carbon in chemical combination 0.53 0*55 0*57 0’58
Total amount of carbon .... 3*58 3’63 3’20 3’37
Silica ............. 2-15 1’50 1’50 0’90
Manganese........... 2’46 2*10 T70 M4
Sulphur............ 0-027 0’027 0’028 0.035
Phosphorus .......... 1’2 T2 1-2 1’2
Share Capital 350,000 kronor.
Number of workmen: 100. Value of yearly production: 1,500,000 kronor.
Telegrams: Ferrum, Värnamo, Sweden. Postal address: Karda, Sweden.
Below is the trade mark for the Company’s productions:
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