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of the shares, the principal centres of the Firm’s business are the ironworks at GIMO,
These mining communities are situated in the beautiful and productive plains of
Uppland. Culture and cultivation in this province of Sweden are of such ancient date
that their beginnings are lost in the mists of antiquity, many hundred years ere
Dannemora iron first saw the light of day. It was just from these tracts that the ancient
kings af Svithiod stretched forth their sceptre and brought beneath it the entire
land of Sweden. When we praise the beauty of the scenery of Uppland, however, the
inhabitants of the mountainous tracts of the country may perhaps object, that the
province is all too level and is all too scantily provided with lakes to be able to make good its claim to the title, but when summer comes, and, close to the yellowing waves of the far-stretching fields of grain, one catches sight of the encircling light-green of birch and aspen groves, or the dark masses of the pine-woods, and when, in addition, one views the treasures of the hills–the best iron ore in the world–drawn up from the bowels of the earth, and hears the blows of the untiring hammer fall on the sounding
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