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Interior: Walloon forge at Österby.
carbon percentage
0.50-0.70 has the highest
number (5). The
difference between the
stamps "Dora" and
"Dannemora" is, in
reality, merely that the
former is manufactured
according to a somewhat
different method which
allows it to be sold at a
lower price.
In addition, there
is produced chromium
steel of 3 different
classes, according to the hardness demanded of the various tools; wolfram steel in 6 classes, and high speed steel. The last named is made in several qualities, and can compete successfully with the best of other marks.
The crucible steel is chiefly employed for the manufacture of dies, draw- and press
plates, stone- and wood working tools, &c., and, in general, for such purposes where
great hardness combined with tenacity is demanded. The most prominent characteristic
of this crucible steel is, that it can be heated and tempered almost any number of
times without losing its "body." Anyone wishing to obtain information respecting
the various qualities and the proper method for their treatment, should apply to the
Company for the little booklets specially issued for the purpose, which will be willingly
sent to those interested in the matter.
The steel is put on the market in forged bars and forged blanks for milling machines,
dies, &c., and is supplied, when requested, carefully annealed. The Company has
furnaces of the very newest construction and equipment for annealing purposes.
The forged lancashire iron from Carlholm is stamped
the same works have the mark
and the best bars from
Timber is shipped under the following marks:
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